The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1087 Get Out of the Entertainment Circle (Second)

[Don't want to see Gu Zhe, get out of the entertainment circle. 】


Gu Zhe's matter has been very troublesome, and the box office of "There is a Family" has indeed been affected. After all, an artist with a questionable character, who dares to watch what he plays?

The box office of "You Family" that day was 30 million, which is not enough for a fraction of the previous days.

The director communicated with Gu Zhe's company to see how to solve this matter. This kind of news will cause countless losses in one minute of hot search.

However, Gu Zhe's company ignored him. Not only that, the company issued a statement directly. Regarding this kind of bad artist, the company decided to terminate the contract. From now on, there will be no contact with Gu Zhe. Not only that, Gu Zhe's personal The taint has affected the company's image and demanded compensation.

It is considered that the news of Gu Zhe is all true. Once this kind of operation comes out, the Internet is even more crazy.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the more crazy people were still behind.

After the company issued a statement, in the evening, it was revealed that Gu Zhe was arrested on suspicion of murder.

The video of Gu Zhe being taken away by the police and the photos of the deceased were all released, causing a public uproar for a while.

This is already a violation of the law, and it's different from fostering or something else. After all, everyone agrees that it's normal to find a big guy in the entertainment industry to cover it. Although it may sound good in name, it's actually no different from Gu Zhe's behavior.

But this has already touched the law.

Each theater directly withdrew "You Family" and issued a statement. Due to some other reasons, the theater line has been temporarily adjusted, which may cause inconvenience to everyone. Please understand that tickets can be refunded for those who have already purchased tickets.

Because Gu Zhe was only taken away by the police, there is no judgment on whether there was a murder or not, so he can only say vaguely.

#Gu Zhe murder#

#"You Jia Xiao Restaurant" was withdrawn#

#Distressed Jiang Xiaofei#

One hot search appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The things that Gu Zhe broke out before were disgusting enough, and they didn't solve it. Instead, it broke out again, causing an uproar.

[Scared the baby to death, Gu Zhe is so scary. 】

[It’s just a suspect, the specifics haven’t been revealed yet, so don’t jump to conclusions. 】

[Looking at Gu Zhe's appearance, it can be seen that he is inseparable from him! Fans, don't wash it, Gu Zhe can't wash it even if he is covered in black materials. 】

[No wonder his agency didn't even wash it, and directly issued a statement to fire Gu Zhe. It seems that his company has long known what he did, but he has been helping to cover it up by relying on him to make money. 】

[Scary, what's going on, did Gu Zhe kill anyone? My sister was about to cry at home and kept saying that her idol wouldn't kill anyone. 】

[Eighty percent of the probability, it is said that there were only Gu Zhe and the victim at the scene. Could it be that the victim committed suicide? I took a look at the victim's photos before, and I couldn't rest my eyes, and suicide would not be in that state. 】

[Gu Zhe gets out of the entertainment circle! 】

[Gu Zhe gets out of the entertainment circle! 】

[Don't get out, if what he did is true, he can't go back to the entertainment industry! ! 】

[Gu Zhe kills for his life. 】

[Gu Zhe kills for his life. 】

The parents of the slain girl were also found by reporters. After learning about her accident, the old father and mother burst into tears and didn't say a word, but the grief could overwhelm people.

The girl who was killed was Gu Zhe's assistant, and the old woman in the family was also an only daughter. Her parents came to such a precious daughter when she was almost fifty years old, thinking that her daughter was about to start a family and start a business.

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