The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1089 Command (fourth more)

Xie Jin asked her solemnly.

He was afraid of what Jiang Xiaofei would do. Although she is usually indifferent and doesn't seem to care about anything, she is very emotional. It can be seen from Qin Feiyang, Jiang Jian and others. It is hard to guarantee that she will not do something what.

And there is a life in the middle of this incident... It has something to do with this incident...

Xie Jin is unimaginable.

"...Well." Jiang Xiaofei hesitated and nodded.

"I asked Jiang Ye and Bai Su to accompany you here, as well as Mu Yang. Although he is a makeup artist, he has a black belt in Taekwondo! There is no harm in making good friends."

Jiang Xiaofei continued to nod.

Xie Jin left in a hurry after repeatedly reminding him not to worry, the company still has a lot to deal with.

Don't think that Gu Zhe has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaofei.

The two have collaborated several times, and this time, Gu Zhe in "There is a Small Restaurant" is half of the reason for coming for Jiang Xiaofei. It is impossible to guarantee that it will not be leaked. He has to make plans early.

And... The cancellation of "You Family" also needs to be resolved. Gu Zhe's brokerage company is abolished, so he can only come.

Before leaving, he told Bai Su and Jiang Ye that they must watch over Jiang Xiaofei. They came not only to protect her, but also to watch over her.

Mu Yang came here to make soy sauce, looking at Xie Jin with a serious face, pouting his lips, and manicuring his nails.

After Xie Jin left, Jiang Xiaofei kept watching Gu Zhe's news with her mobile phone, and her brows became tighter as she watched.

I want to listen to Brother Jin, stay away from this matter, but think that Gu Zhe has helped me several times...

Help yourself against Shu Ya, deal with Wu Jiangyue, and star in "There is a Small Restaurant" at a friendly price...

She wanted to convince herself, so what? Didn't he embarrass himself because of a song before? There is also no trouble when participating in variety shows.

But some people's helpful help is really memorable. Jiang Xiaofei closed her eyes and decided to put this matter aside and start filming.

"Ka! Xiaofei, you dare to look wrong just now!"

"Kakaka! Xiaofei, you are adjusting!"

Jiang Xiaofei was dominated by two villains back and forth, one said: Jiang Xiaofei, Gu Zhe has always bullied you before, why do you want to help him! Besides, what if he really did this thing? The other one: Xiaofei, have you forgotten that Gu Zhe has helped you a lot? That hateful old witch Shu Ya, and the annoying Wu Jiangyue, weren't you happy when they were cleaned up? Are you going to be ungrateful?

"Xiaofei, how are you? TX Entertainment will definitely settle things outside, you don't have to worry." Ouyang Xiangyi looked at Jiang Xiaofei's condition and comforted her.

"I'm fine." Jiang Xiaofei smiled and shook her head, making up her mind.

It's hard for me to be truly conscientious in life, but Jiang Xiaofei doesn't want to feel guilty for the rest of her life... Maybe she will be forced to leave the entertainment industry under pressure...

Sorry Jin...

Next, Jiang Xiaofei was in good condition. After this scene, she found Director Lai.

"Director Lai, I'm sorry, I may have to take leave for some things."

Jiang Xiaofei asked for leave for the first time after joining the crew, and Director Lai nodded in response. There was a lot of rumors on the Internet, and he had heard about it. This greatly affected an actor's state. Just by seeing what she failed to pass today, you can tell.

"Okay, take a good rest and adjust yourself, is two days enough?" Director Lai asked.

"Enough, thank you Director!" Jiang Xiaofei was full of thanks.

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