The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1093 Yang Feng Yin Violation (Eighth)

Jiang Xiaofei just walked around and it was useless. She wanted to go back to work, so Jiang Xiaofei couldn't always follow her, so she could only go back to the crew.

It's a pity that the crew can't go back, because Xie Jin called...

"Jiang Xiaofei! Where have you been!! How did I tell you! In the filming crew, you are so good at your studies. After I finished speaking on the front foot, you left on the back foot. Did you put my words in the back? Heart! You wait for me! Go back to the company immediately!"

Xie Jin was furious.

After scolding Jiang Xiaofei, she scolded those reporters in her heart, why are they so powerful! Can be photographed anywhere!

Jiang Xiaofei has a one-sided reputation because of this incident, and TX Entertainment launched an emergency public relations.

#burst! Jiang Xiaofei visits Gu Zhe#

#江小飞 JC Bureau#

【wipe! What's going on? What happened to Jiang Xiaofei, why did Jiang Xiaofei go to the JC Bureau? Are the latest stars making a fuss? It's all about this place. 】

[According to internal information, Jiang Xiaofei appeared at the XXX JC Bureau today to visit Gu Zhe. It is reported that this is the first person to take the initiative to visit Gu Zhe. 】

[The relationship between the two is good, I didn't expect Jiang Xiaofei to visit Gu Zhe, and the others are not far away from him? Afraid of getting caught. 】

[Hehe, are you not afraid that those two are the same raccoon dog? Or some kind of connection? After all, Gu Zhe doesn't say anything else, aside from this murder incident, the rest of the things he does are not good people, and what kind of good things would be good things to have a good relationship with Gu Zhe? 】

[Don't talk nonsense without any basis, our little concubine has many friends, and she is just loyal! Very little concubine, although I may have made a mistake, but the relationship was good before, let's see what happened? 】

[I like Xiaofei, at first because of her appearance, and later because she is indifferent to everything, but she is very serious, this time too, no matter what happens to Gu Zhe, Xiaofei can stand up in this difficult time And she will be chasing after her for the rest of her life! 】

[The perception of Jiang Xiaofei suddenly became very bad. I didn't expect her to have such a good relationship with Gu Zhe... It's unimaginable. 】

[Jiang Xiaofei's road turns dark, have you seen the old parents crying for their daughter? Did you see what Gu Zhe did that even his parents didn't recognize him? Oh, or a public figure. 】

[Jiang Xiaofei gets out of the entertainment circle. 】

[Boycott Jiang Xiaofei, with a friend like Gu Zhe, she will not be a good person, gather people and divide them into groups! 】

[I will boycott everything Jiang Xiaofei will do in the future, whether it is endorsements or TV dramas, etc. I have no hope for such a person. 】

[I hope you can be so confident in the face of the girl who died tragically in your dream at night! 】

"Look, look! What's all this? Who told you to go? Even if you go to so many people, you don't have the slightest bit of vigilance, and you were photographed by reporters!"

"Jiang Xiaofei, look, let you talk about loyalty, can loyalty be talked about at this time? "You Jia Xiao Restaurant" is a scheduled hit! It is expected to reach 2 billion! 2 billion, you know what it means What? You can make a lot of money! Now it's abolished, and you don't think it's enough, so you went to the JC bureau again!"

Jiang Xiaofei felt that her face was washed by Xie Jin's saliva, and she closed her eyes and touched it with difficulty.

After scolding Jiang Xiaofei, he turned his attention to Jiang Ye, Bai Su, and Mu Yang who were standing side by side with Jiang Xiaofei.

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