The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1109 Blood Supplement

"Is it okay?" Xu Yanxiu looked at her with red eyes and a hoarse voice at the door. If she didn't agree...he was willing to respect her.

Jiang Xiaofei had long been confused and her eyes glowed with spring light.

He hugged him, bit his lip and nodded.


Perhaps in the joking of others, she had already relaxed little by little, and the only thing left was her own restraint and the rules engraved in her bones of the Daqing Dynasty, and I was willing...

The day was slightly bright, and the two people in the room slowly stopped. Jiang Xiaofei had already fallen asleep. Xu Yanxiu looked at the person in his arms with bright eyes, without a trace of fatigue, and kept his pious words on her forehead and put himself on her forehead. She took out the ring she had prepared earlier and put it on her finger.

"Mrs. Xu, you are destined to be tied up by me." Looking at the slender jade finger with the ring, he muttered.

Hold the person in your arms and sleep together.

It was ten o'clock when the two woke up again.

Xu Yanxiu woke up early, and the porridge was already cooked in the kitchen, so he was waiting for her to drink.

Jiang Xiaofei stretched out her hand, rubbed her eyes, moved her body, her whole body seemed to be crushed by something.

"Hi--" Biting his lip lightly, he opened his eyes and saw a pair of eyes, remembering everything from last night.

"Why are you still here." Jiang Xiaofei held the quilt and glanced at him defensively.

After speaking, I regretted it. What did she say, why is he here... Isn't she still clear...

"You just eat it and then throw it away, you have no conscience." Xu Yanxiu felt wronged.

"Cough!" When Jiang Xiaofei heard those four words, her ears turned red, Xu Yanxiu was so bad, she bullied her a lot yesterday.

Glancing at him.

Xu Yanxiu didn't provoke her again, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Yesterday, she still remembered that he was in pain, and was a little worried.

It hurts, of course it hurts, "You go out, I have to get up." Jiang Xiaofei didn't open her head, she was a little shy and didn't want to talk about this topic.

Xu Yanxiu caught a glimpse of Jiang Xiaofei's rosy earlobes, and leaned closer, "Tell me if you hurt, I made porridge for you, I went out to serve it, and...I helped you sort it out yesterday."

After speaking, he left, leaving Jiang Xiaofei room for self-adjustment.

Jiang Xiaofei clutched the quilt, bit her lip, blushing, bastard.

When she slowly came out, Xu Yan corrected and put the things on the table.

Xu Yanxiu was very distressed when he saw people who were slow and unruly. He was too many to count yesterday.

Step forward and carry the person to the chair.

"Eat more, I boiled it for a long time." Xu Yanxiu put the porridge in front of her thoughtfully.

"Yeah." The red dates rice porridge, the red dates and red bean cakes, and even the pickle Xu Yanxiu also added two dates.

It's all blood...

Jiang Xiaofei buried her head in hard work and didn't look at him.

"Would you like another bowl? You were tired yesterday." After feeding Jiang Xiaofei three bowls of porridge and four small cakes, Xu Yanxiu continued to feed Jiang Xiaofei, fearing that she was not full.

Jiang Xiaofei felt her stomach, and it bulged out. Although she was very tired yesterday, this morning, no! She was also hungry when she woke up in the morning, but she was really full now.

"I'm full." Jiang Xiaofei shook her head.

"Okay, it's almost lunch time, I'll cook for you again, is there anything you want to eat?" Xu Yanxiu thought.

"No, you can come." She is very tired now, she just wants to rest when she is full!

"Okay, I'll take you back to your room." Jiang Xiaofei froze, staring at Xu Yanxiu in a stunned manner, what a beast.

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