The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1139 Arrive early

Situ Mo and Ouyang Xiangyi looked at the amount of grass that Jiang Xiaofei was holding, and grabbed a handful of the same amount.

Jiang Xiaofei cut it off easily, and they... cut, I cut it hard! One, two, three.

It took a lot of effort, but it didn't move all at once. After several repetitions, all the grass was cut off. At this time, Jiang Xiaofei had already thrown five or six pieces of grass into the basket.

Men such as Xu Yanxiu and Xia Jinchao felt that their strength was stronger and their hands were larger, so they naturally pulled more grass. They also encountered the same problems as Situ Mo and Ouyang Xiangyi.

However, they were much stronger, and they cut them all at once, but the movements were slow.

His face was stiff.

Are they going to say they're not as good as a girl?

Let them pretend to be coercive, pretend to be coerced by lightning, they really feel it.

It must be because the amount of grass they caught is too large, otherwise, they will definitely be as neat as Jiang Xiaofei, yes, that's it.

A few people grabbed a handful of grass as if nothing had happened, but he didn't dare to grab more this time, for fear of embarrassment, but Wang Er quietly glanced at the amount in the hands of several people, and then looked at Jiang Xiaofei's, he still had some self-knowledge. Yes, it was reduced by one-third, and the movement was barely smooth.

Several people moved smoothly this time, but their movements were not as neat as Jiang Xiaofei's.

Jiang Xiaofei looked at a few people in an unfathomable way, and saw their faces in her eyes.

Looking at the grass in her hand, what she didn't say is that she grabbed so much grass because her hand was only so big, otherwise... hum.

A few people seemed to accept their fate, and they didn't have too much entanglement, but the points of attention that Jiang Xiaofei just told them were still somewhat useful, and her movements made them a lot faster.

Xia Jinchao glanced meaningfully at Xu Yanxiu. He knew that Jiang Xiaofei was very powerful, but he never thought that she would be so powerful. I wonder if the strong President Xu is powerless?

Xu Yanxiu felt his eyes and pouted, he was happy!

Jiang Xiaofei cut three baskets of grass, Xu Yanxiu, Xia Jinchao, Situ Mo one basket, and Roy came in a hurry when the car was burning half a basket.

His face was a little red, and he was rushing over when he walked very fast.

"Are you here early?" Roy glanced at the results of everyone on the side, but did not pick up the tools, but walked to Jiang Xiaofei and asked.

She still remembered that when she woke up, it was almost three o'clock, and the whole building was empty...

She thought that they would call her together, even if she and Jiang Xiaofei had been filthy, but anyway, in front of the camera, she would have scruples.

Unexpectedly, they came directly by themselves, and didn't mean to call themselves, and they rushed over in a hurry, and almost sprained their feet on the way, and I felt a little angry when I thought about it.

Her Ouyang Xiangyi didn't know her, and the others didn't know each other well. The only "acquaintance" was Jiang Xiaofei, so she was the only one who made small moves, which was why she came directly to Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei's eyes flashed, looking at Roy's aggrieved look, a sneer flashed across her eyes.

"It's not too early for us, we came in front of you." It might be forty or fifty minutes earlier than you.

Roy bit her lip and looked at Jiang Xiaofei with a look of grievance. Why didn't you call me or say it? After all, they were not obliged to call herself, but she felt uncomfortable.

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