The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1256 Purely watching the fun

"The Xu family, you know, I heard that Jiang Yiheng's daughter is now the daughter-in-law of the Xu family..."

Big Brother Jiang saw that Jiang Yiru must be talking nonsense with no nutrition, and decisively interrupted: "Okay!"

He raised his eyes and glanced at everyone present, "What do you think?"

In the end, Brother Jiang was elected to call Jiang Yiheng to confirm, in case it was a smoke bomb, and then there was the scene where Brother Jiang called Jiang Yiheng.


"How is Big Brother?" Jiang Yiru asked anxiously when Big Brother Jiang hung up the phone.

Don't get me wrong, her anxiety is not for a new member of the Jiang family, happy for her brother to find his biological daughter, but purely to watch the fun.

Brother Jiang was too lazy to pay attention to her, "I found it, it's called Xiaofei Jiang, I didn't say anything else, but I said I would find time to take her home."

"Jiang Xiaofei? The daughter-in-law of the Xu family...I know!" Jiang Yun shouted excitedly while patting her thigh.

"What are you shouting? You don't look like a girl at all." Sister-in-law Jiang gave Jiang Yun a sideways glance.

"Mom, I know who the new uncle found. There is a very popular female star on the Internet, called Jiang Xiaofei. She is Xu Yanxiu's girlfriend. Now she is married and has a child. Look, there are many online. There's a lot of news about her." Jiang Yun said as she turned on her phone to show everyone.

"Mom, she played the "Nei He Fanghua Ji Qing Huan" that you watched some time ago, and she played Shen Qinghuan, don't you like it a lot."

"Looks like Yiheng and Wenren... very similar, very beautiful, better-looking than the two of them." Sister Jiang nodded.

"It's from the entertainment industry." Jiang Yiru pouted in disgust, and it was hard to say anything.

"This is really the inheritance of the father's business. Even if he didn't grow up with Jiang Yiheng since childhood, he still has a lot in common, and even joined the entertainment industry. She is a little girl with no background. It's amazing. do not know……"

Jiang Yiru didn't say anything in the second half of the sentence, but it's good to click on it, and everyone's brains can also know what she wants to say.

It's just some sort of unspoken rule.

Mrs. Jiang has not spoken, but she has been listening carefully, and she is disgusted when she hears Jiang Yiru say that. What kind of entertainment is a girl from?

I still don't know being...

Mrs. Jiang didn't like her previous granddaughter very much, let alone this little concubine Jiang who is now an actress.

Jiang Yiheng has a Jiang family in the entertainment industry. He is still a man, he is relatively safe, and he has made a name for himself. No matter what industry he is involved in, he will be respected to a certain extent. Jiang Yiheng is the ceiling of the entertainment industry.

Ruan Ruan... is now called Ruan Yu. Although she is also in the entertainment industry, she has always been escorted by the Jiang family. She has been going smoothly all the way, and she has achieved unknown achievements.

This Concubine Jiang...

Mrs. Jiang lost her desire to listen.

"Okay! How old are you, what should I say and what I shouldn't say I don't know?" Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Yiru coldly, and beat Mrs. Jiang by the way.

Although the Jiang family has been handed over to Big Brother Jiang to be injured, Big Brother Jiang presides over everything, but after all, he is old and mature, and he is very majestic.

Jiang Yiru pursed his mouth in disapproval, but was afraid of the old man, so he obediently shut up.

"That's the child of our Jiang family, a part of the Jiang family. She was a big part of the responsibility when she was stolen from our family."

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