The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1264 Feeling that life has reached its peak

"Welcome the crew of "Nei He Fanghua Ji Qing Huan" to today's awards ceremony!"

The host stood by the signature wall and looked at the group of people walking by with a smile on his face.

"Our director is very happy today." Looking at the director surrounded by beautiful women left and right, he said sarcastically.

"Director, I want to ask you how it feels to be surrounded by such two beauties now?"

The director smiled and said, "I feel like my life has reached its peak! Hahaha, it's my first time to walk the red carpet with two beauties, I'm very honored!"

The director laughed and praised the two beauties next to him.

"Indeed! I'm also very envious here. Both beauties were shortlisted for our Best Actress Award today. Do you have any confidence?" The host put his eyes on the two of them.

Jiang Xiaofei consciously gave Mo Fenghua the opportunity to answer first. Seniors, they have already fallen out, but in front of everyone, Jiang Xiaofei is still very sensible.

"What should belong to me naturally belongs to me, what doesn't belong to me, no matter how I think about it, it will never be mine." Mo Fenghua was profound.

I don't know if Mo Fenghua meant something or what. The atmosphere at the scene was stagnant for a moment. The host had a strong ability to control the scene and immediately activated the atmosphere. He laughed and took him over.

"Hahaha, what about Xiaofei?"

Jiang Xiaofei tilted her head with a smile and said, "Well, of course, I still hope to win the award, but the people who competed with him are all excellent. It is my luck to get it. If I can't get it, I will continue to work hard in the future. Get it!"

"Then wish our two heroines good luck! There will be more good works for you in the future."

After signing the name and taking a photo, the group went down and sat down.

This awards show was broadcast live, so what happened on the scene naturally went out simultaneously.

【Ahhh! Jiang Xiaofei and Mo Fenghua appeared together! Great photo of the century! Although the two did not speak, I still felt a strong killing intent, even though there was a director in the middle. 】

[To tell you the truth, I also feel it, these two people have never been very harmonious, and they feel like they are all nonsense. You remember the interview between the two of them during the filming of "Nei He Fanghua Ji Qing Huan" before. ? With the appearance of a good sister, I was stunned to see the killing intent, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 】

[I actually believed it at the time. The reality showed that I was still too young. From that interview, I really felt that the acting skills of the two of them were really good. 】

[If it wasn't for the various discords and strife that broke out before these two people, I would really think that they are sisters who have a good relationship. Look at them, the dresses are all in the same color, as if saying yes . 】

[It seems to smell a different smell, which is a bit of a coincidence, dog head. 】

[Pictured, isn't that what the color of the clothes is when you wear them? It's normal to bump it, so there's no need to laugh at it, right? 】

[The two sisters are very beautiful, but I still prefer Jiang Xiaofei, her body is so good, and her long legs are amazing. 】

[That's right, Jiang Xiaofei's legs feel directly one-third longer than the one next to him, laughing and crying, they are all the same color clothes, and they are all tight, the contrast is obvious...]

[Cough cough, mainly because Jiang Xiaofei was already tall, and with her high heels, she was proud of the audience and suppressed many male artists. 】

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