The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1290 Little drama star Xu Baobao

It's not that I'm hungry, it's not that I'm not feeling well because I pee, what's the matter?

Seeing Bao Bao Bao who was still crying, Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu were in a hurry.

"Is something uncomfortable?"

"Go to the hospital! Come, let's go to the hospital!" Xu Yanxiu directly picked up Xu Baobao and wanted to go to the hospital.

Listening to the heart-breaking cry of the little man, Xu Yanxiu felt that his heart was late, and he didn't want to wait for a moment.

"Okay! Go to the hospital."

The two packed up and took the child to the hospital.

"Where are you going?" When Mr. Xu came out to drink water, he saw the husband and wife who were holding the child in a hurry.

"Xu Baobao has been crying. We are worried about her discomfort. We plan to take her to the hospital. Dad, let's go first."

"Wait! I'll tell your mother, let's go together." Mr. Xu called out to Mrs. Xu.

Old Mrs. Xu yawned, opened her eyelids and glanced at Bao Baobao and the anxious new parents, "Baby don't cry, be good, don't cry."

"Xu Baobao should be angry that the two of you are not here all day today, so you have a temper, don't worry."

Fighting wits and bravery with this milk doll all day, old Mrs. Xu looks at Bao Bao, who is dry and howling, but doesn't cry, and she probably knows what's going on.

"Mom, she's only a few months old? We can't delay, let's take her to the hospital first." Xu Yanxiu chose not to believe, how old is Xu Baobao? It can't be perfect.

"Let's go, Xiaofei, let's hurry up." Xu Yanxiu wanted to go out with Bao Baobao, and called to Jiang Xiaofei who was holding something next to him.

"Wait!" Jiang Xiaofei called to Xu Yanxiu.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaofei looked away from Xu Baobao's face, looked at Xu Yanxiu, swallowed her saliva, "I think... what Mom said might be true." One finger pointed at Xu Baobao's face.

His face was clean, accompanied by a dry howl, which was miserable, but a bit weird.

Xu Yanxiu looked at the past, and his expression changed many times, this... Really?

Maybe Xu Baobao didn't realize that everyone understood her dry howl, and she was still clenching her fists and howling, and there was really not a drop of tears.

Old Mrs. Xu glanced lovingly at her smart and weird little granddaughter. Although she was very annoying, she was still cute!

"You coax, you're getting old, it's time to rest." Mrs. Xu yawned and returned to her room.

"This... what should I do? Are you still going to the hospital?" Jiang Xiaofei blinked and looked at her husband, and her daughter's father asked.

"Come on, let's talk about the hospital, it shouldn't be a big problem." Looking at the small baby doll in his arms, his Adam's apple moved.

"Be good, baby, stop crying. Mom and Dad will try to accompany you as much as possible in the future, okay?"

"Baby, Mom and Dad have something to do today, I'm sorry!"


The husband and wife took turns coaxing the child, saying good things, making various promises, singing, telling stories, drinking cup after cup of water, and their mouths were dry and thin, and the little baby fell asleep peacefully.

Looking at Xu Baobao, who clenched his hands into fists and put them by his ears, he was still very angelic when he fell asleep.



After Xu Yanxiu and Jiang Xiaofei finished coaxing the child, they breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, laughed out loud, and at the same time they both looked at the actress.

This is so smart when he is still young, how can it be better when he grows up?

"Little villain!" Jiang Xiaofei touched her belly and said dotingly.

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