The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1314 Riding a Motorcycle

"Ahhh--be careful."

Yang Jiaojiao has already reached the middle from the edge just now. It's too scary. It's crooked and crooked, and the way she walks is crooked, making Yang Jiaojiao scream.

Holding Lin Feiran's clothes tightly with both hands, he sat on the pony and hugged Lin Feiran's waist sideways.

The corners of Lin Feiran's lips twitched slightly, and he pushed hard a few times, deliberately tilting to one side.

As expected, Yang Jiaojiao didn't let go of the arm she was holding, and held it tightly.

The two ended up opting for a tricycle, which, after all, looked safe with that high-seat bike.

So this is what happened later.

As for the other three groups.

Ruan Yu and Zhu Xinghan were still walking on the road. Their small base was outside the village, and the place they had to clean was in the village, which was still some distance away.

When the two heard that they could go first, they left quickly, forgetting whether they had any means of transportation. It was not far from the village anyway.

Qian Duoduo also rode a pink electric donkey to his destination with Wu Jiangyue.

The little pink electric donkey, a man who is not tall but happy when he looks at it, and a woman with a face full of disgust, can't be harmonious.

"Duoduo, why did you choose the little electric donkey? How cool is that motorcycle!"

Wu Jiangyue, who was curled up all the way, opened her mouth.

This little e-Donkey had a very low chassis, and Wu Jiangyue had to curl up when she sat in the back.

As for carrying a lot of money in front?

Hehe, she can't ride this thing, not just this electric donkey, bicycles, tricycles... all of them!

A person being cared for can only be obedient.

And Jiang Xiaofei and Yao Xi galloped all the way on the motorcycle with their helmets on.

"Ahhh-" Yao Xi hugged Jiang Xiaofei's small waist and made noise all the way.

Not excited.

"Little Concubine! You know, I used to imagine that when I have a boyfriend, I will let him take me for a ride on a motorcycle. I feel very good! You have fulfilled my wish today!"

Yao Xi was overjoyed.

Jiang Xiaofei, who was wearing a helmet in front of her, twitched at the corners of her mouth.

"Then your wish is not simple."

Yao Xi smiled and said, "No, you have already helped me fulfill this wish!"

"Half, only half of it was done for you. I took you for a ride. Unfortunately, it's not the boyfriend you thought. Your boyfriend doesn't know where he is."

As a married woman with children, Jiang Xiaofei, who has completed the major events in her life at a suitable age, can mock Yao Xi, a single elderly woman, at will.

Just like those few people who think about capital and laugh at her as flat as before and after! snort! The confidence is awesome.

"Hey, can Jiang Xiaofei still have fun? Are we almost there?"

What single older women dislike most is discussing this and changing the subject decisively.

Jiang Xiaofei saw what she meant, but she didn't hold on to it.

"Come on, in a few minutes."

As soon as the two arrived, they found someone waiting for them.

"Hello, I'm finally here. Do you want to eat first, or work for a while before eating?"

The time between Jiang Xiaofei and Yao Xi is within the range, so the owner will take care of the meal here.

"Eat first, and then have the strength to work!" Yao Xi was a little hungry and looked at Jiang Xiaofei.

"Okay, eat, just put it on, don't eat too much."

Jiang Xiaofei reminded that the place where livestock is fed will inevitably carry some fertilizer, and it is possible to accidentally step on it.

If you eat too much, it will be unknown whether she will spit Jiang Xiaofei, so she kindly reminds me.

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