The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1323 Overcome it

Ruan Yu found a relatively low-key mask, but it didn't look good. It felt like a product of the last century.

"So ugly."

But this is the best of the limited conditions.

The hat was also given to Ruan Yu by Mr. Zhu Xinghan.

The moment he put on the mask, Ruan Yu took it off immediately.

"What does it taste like?"

"Get over it, the conditions are like this." Zhu Xinghan also wore a mask and naturally smelled that smell.

The mask was not cleaned, so it smelled like a factory product.

But it's okay to put a few paper towels in it.

The two began to clean, and the countryside was not as concerned about the maintenance of hands as in the city.

So there is no preparation for any gloves or the like.

Ruan Yu felt that her hand didn't belong to her anymore, with blisters and bruises on her hands, and tears in her eyes.

"You have to rest for a while, it's still early." Zhu Xinghan saw that Ruan Yu's situation was indeed not very good.

Not to mention the cleaning of the house in the summer, but to say that this work made her face ashes and even suffered some injuries.

"Well, let's take a break together." Ruan Yu couldn't take it anymore, and did not refuse to take a break, but still remembered that she and Zhu Xinghan were partners, so he couldn't take a break and let him work.

Zhu Xinghan glanced at Ruan Yu and nodded, "Okay! Let's rest for a while and then work."


Fortunately, the return time given by the program team is fixed. Of course, if you finish early, you can go back early, otherwise there may be several groups of people who will not come back at all today.

When they came back, Jiang Xiaofei, Yao Xi, and the others saw Yang Jiaojiao and Lin Feiran sitting on the sofa, Lin Feiran helping Yang Jiaojiao with a massage.

"Are you guys back? Where are they?" Jiang Xiaofei glanced around.

"Mr. Qian and Wu Jiangyue also came back, but I don't know why they came and went out again."

Lin Feiran answered Jiang Xiaofei's question while helping Yang Jiaojiao with a massage.

"Oh." Jiang Xiaofei nodded.

"How about you go shearing?" Yang Jiaojiao was curious.

She was about to die of exhaustion, but Jiang Xiaofei didn't seem to be doing anything at all. Shearing wool was obviously a work of strength.


The atmosphere was a little subtle for a while.

Yao Xi looked at Concubine Jiang, "Cough! We are barely able to."

Thinking of Jiang Xiaofei's scissors, Yao Xi was frightened.

Especially later, Yao Xi was too tired, and her hands were blistered. Jiang Xiaofei couldn't stand it and asked herself to play.

Yao Xi was naturally willing, and Uncle Yun agreed with Yao Xi's dejected appearance and Jiang Xiaofei's eagerness to try.

Anyway, the money has been paid, the big deal is that he will help the sheep brother to end this tragic life as soon as possible.

Jiang Xiaofei's first scissors were fine, because Uncle Yun taught them by hand, but later, the poor sheep was almost exploded.

With that roar, Yao Xi, an outsider, silently clamped up.

"Thanks to Yao Xi, is there a medical kit here? I'll help Yao Xi deal with it." Jiang Xiaofei changed the topic in a timely manner, and didn't want to tangle too much on this topic, saying too much would definitely not benefit herself.

Lin Feiran raised his brows, this is... is there something they don't know?

Not long after Jiang Xiaofei and the others came, Ruan Yu and Zhu Xinghan also came back.

But their image is a bit miserable.

Not to mention taking off makeup, the two of them were still radiant when they set off in the morning, and now they can't hide their haggard appearance.

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