So she chose a street with a relatively general flow of people.

"It can be rented for a long time or a short term, but it will be cheaper in the long run, and it will be more expensive in the short term."

"I would like to ask how much it will cost per month in the short term?"

"Three thousand eighty a month!" The shop owner across from the phone said without hesitation.

This price is still too high in Jiang Xiaofei's eyes. She looked at the shops in this street before and found that this street can be rented for three thousand three to three thousand five thousand.

"Hello, according to what I've learned before, we can rent it out in the early three thousand, so can you adjust the price?" Jiang Xiaofei asked with a smile.

Now that she is poor, she can save a little more.

The owner across from him thought that he had done his homework before, so he was relieved. I don’t know if this store is not good in feng shui or what. Every two or three months, one will close down. Now this store has been closed around. The evil has spread, and it has been a long time since no one came to ask.

The boss finally asked for 3,200. Jiang Xiaofei agreed to sign for half a year and pay the full amount at one time. After a long time, the boss agreed to rent her for 2,800 a month. After bargaining, he also gave her the table and chairs inside. .

Jiang Xiaofei and the boss agreed to sign a contract and pay the money together after a while.

After handing over Qianjiang Xiaofei, she got the key to the store. She planned to buy another one by herself later. It was really uneasy that other people could open the store.


Looking at the situation in the store, Jiang Xiaofei contacted a small decoration team and simply painted white paint for renovation. She also purchased a series of wallpapers and decoration items from the Internet, which cost two Fifty thousand dollars.

After cleaning up, Jiang Xiaofei handed over the follow-up work of the decoration team captain to the decoration team captain, waiting for Jiang Xiaofei to check the progress tomorrow.


There will be a live broadcast tonight. Jiang Xiaofei has arranged everything and is ready to go home.

"Hello! Hello everyone!" Jiang Xiaofei started the live broadcast after finishing the meal and greeted her audience.

[Lime: Ahhhh! Another beautiful lady today! 】

[Brother Dalong: Hello, hello! Beauty is good! 】

[Little Maruko: What did I see? That's my favorite crystal shrimp dumplings and pork slices! 】

[A pot of wine in the flower room: There is also white jade pearl soup, and the other one is almond crisp? 】


Jiang Xiaofei looked at the barrage sent by the audience, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Everyone, you're all right! Here are a few dishes I made tonight, crystal shrimp dumplings, pork chops, white jade pearl soup, and almond crisps. I'll start eating them next!"

Jiang Xiaofei pointed at a few dishes on the table and made a big eating motion towards the screen, and the reward floated by.

"This crystal shrimp dumpling is smooth and chewy, and it strictly selects fresh shrimp..."

Jiang Xiaofei introduced the taste of food and the specific selection of ingredients to the audience opposite. The audience screamed and the hungry wolf howled.

[Lime: I feel like I can make these meals by myself after the little sister's explanation! The lady is so detailed! 】

[Brother Dalong: People who are not diligent in their limbs and grains can only think about it, dare not try, and cry and laugh. 】

[A jug of wine in the flower room: expressing desire to eat...]


Jiang Xiaofei looked at the screen of the audience, thought for a moment, and said, "Are you in Jiangzhou? If you are in downtown Jiangzhou, I can express it to you in the same city, so you can try it!"

【Lime: Wow! What a fairy lady! 】

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