The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 805 I have a child

"He took it down? Didn't Mr. Xue say that he would leave it to me?" Wu Jiangyue's face was also a little bad. She helped Duanmuhong to win him over, just pity him. She didn't want to give up her resources. .

"Mr. Xue is hesitating and hesitating now, and there is no response. Duanmuhong doesn't know what's going on, and he hasn't found out yet." The manager also felt that Wu Jiangyue had moved a stone and smashed his foot, but he didn't Thinking, Duanmuhong actually has such skills.

"He's waiting! This matter won't end like this." Wu Jiangyue gritted his teeth and noted that no one had taken advantage of him for nothing, and wanted to climb on his own? dream.

"Well, don't worry, I'll talk to the brand again. After all, we've been working together very well. Let's see what's going on. I'm sure there will be an explanation for us there." The agent looked at Wu Jiangyue, but instead Come and persuade her.

"Okay." Wu Jiangyue nodded.

"By the way, what did you just show me?" The agent remembered what she had just shown herself.

"This, look, is it an enlarged or reduced version?" Wu Jiangyue picked up the phone and showed it to him.

"This is..." The agent stared at the two quite similar photos, wide-eyed.

"Yes! Qin Feiyang and Qin Yu have the same surname, and this child looks a little like Jiang Xiaofei."

The two looked at each other and smiled, having an idea.

It didn't take long for news about Qin Feiyang, Jiang Xiaofei, and Baobao to start flying all over the Internet.

【Have you read the gossip on the Internet recently? It is rumored on the Internet that Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang were together a long time ago, and they had a child, but because the two have been hiding from the entertainment circle now, there is no wall in the world that does not leak, and some people still pick it up. 】

【Pick your nose (* ̄rǒ ̄), are you a fool upstairs? There are too many gossip on the Internet, do you believe it? Mind watts. 】

[We Feiyang single nobles do not explain, we don’t know how many goblins are staring at him. He has always been a leafless man. Every year, I don’t know how many news about Feiyang’s hidden marriage and childbirth come out. They are all fake. . 】

[Our little concubine has only turned 21 this year, isn't it unrealistic for a child of that age? The baby is three and a half years old this year, and the pregnancy will take about four and a half years. In the past, our little concubine will be pregnant before seventeen? Are you kidding me? ? 】

【cough! At this time in high school, it shouldn't be easy to have a child, fake! 】

【Hey! Don't believe it, this is a photo of Jiang Xiaofei holding a child taken by someone before. You can see the child's face in a vague way. It is the baby in "Cute Baby Drives", and the baby's photo is similar to Qin Feiyang's. For the comparison of photos, you can see, #图1#图2.】

[Evidence is obviously more than just groundless explanations. This child is indeed carved out of the same mold as Qin Feiyang...]

[Hey...I want to know the truth, I'm a little terrified. 】

【What exactly is going on? Could it be child surgery? 】

【Why are there such sabi everywhere? Plastic surgery? such a small child? are you kidding me? Even if it is plastic surgery, you can see the marks, right? Fans, stop quibbling, the fact is here, your idol has a child! 】

[Even if it is Qin Feiyang's child, please don't involve our little concubine, thank you! Less than seventeen years old... I can't afford to hurt. 】

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