The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 810 The difference between men and women

【Qin Feiyang Come on! Qin Feiyang and the agent are both very good. After the two broke up, they continued to cooperate without delaying their work. They raised the baby together and made the baby so happy! Life should be taken seriously! 】

[The two have a very good attitude towards life, but as Qin fans, they say they cannot accept it. No matter what, he is deceiving us! De-powdered...]

[Covering her mouth and laughing, it turns out that Xiao Fei is so old and has not had a boyfriend yet? Xu is always the first? What a treasure girl! 】

[Our little concubine is only a few years old, but someone actually rumored that she is the mother of a nearly four-year-old child, so scared that my eyes almost fell out! Always believe in her, come on! Toffee accompanies you all the way. 】

"Mr. Xu, Qin Feiyang and Xie Jin have already issued a statement, and the reactions of all parties are still under control. With the accusations, I don't want the same bad comments as before." Assistant Mote looked at the news on the tablet Report to Xu Yanxiu.

Xu Yanxiu knew about the existence of the baby for a long time, and Jiang Xiaofei did not hide the purpose of her participation in the variety show.

When necessary, Yanshi Group can help. After all, Qin Feiyang is one of the few friends of his girlfriend. At first, he may have felt a little threatened. Later... He found that Qin Feiyang was the most reassuring to him. of.

"Okay! You can continue to pay attention. If you need help, just do it." Xu Yanxiu thought for a while and said.

"Yes!" Mort helped back out.

Xu Yanxiu looked at Qian Wen on Xie Jinfa, the only man he had dated so far, and couldn't help but feel happy. If not, he would become the only one in Jiang Xiaofei's life in the future, but if it was her life before and after. Only, he was happier.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaofei's birthday soon, I made an arrangement in my heart.

The show is still going on, and the show team has not been troubled by the ups and downs outside, not only that, because the popularity of this incident has benefited the show team a lot.

At this time, Brother Jin and the others should have done everything they should have done, so they are waiting for them.

Looking at the working baby, Jiang Xiaofei smiled, no need to deliberate, the baby was already fine.

Originally, they cooked separately, but because the cute babies couldn't avoid Roy and Che Ran's craftsmanship, they liked what Jiang Xiaofei made the most, so they discussed it. From now on, Jiang Xiaofei and Lin Feiran will be responsible for the cooking. Rice, car burning, and Roy are responsible for clearing the table and washing the dishes.

"I agree!" Che Ran had no objection, and he didn't want to eat what he made. He could still accept it by washing the dishes and tidying up the table.

How much does it hurt your hands to wash the dishes? Cleaning up the table... Dirty, Roy didn't want to do anything, but the other three had already expressed their opinions, so she could only reluctantly agree.

After dinner.

"Should it be time to bathe the children?" Jiang Xiaofei looked at the time and struggled for a while, it was almost eight o'clock.

"Well, I'll help the baby wash, can you help Tinkerbell?" Lin Feiran looked at the two children who were playing with toys and suggested.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her eyebrows. Although men and women are not seated at the age of three, there seems to be no such statement in modern times, right?

"Little Ding-Dang is a little girl after all." Lin Feiran explained Jiang Xiaofei's doubts.

Although the person is small, but she is a woman, he is a man who goes to bathe her, it is inevitable that something is not good, and he is taken out by a caring person to spread it... It was not that there was no such thing before, he had to make plans.

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