Taking a bath is not only a big challenge for Jiang Xiaofei, but also for Roy.

An An prides himself on being an eldest child. He insists on taking a bath by himself. The car burns a lot of heart, and he does not do it silently. Usually at home, either his aunt bathes or his parents bathe, so he doesn't want to take a bath by himself.

"Momo has grown up and can take a bath by himself, right?" Roy smiled.

"Yes! Silently grew up." Silently raised his chest and raised his head with a proud look.

Roy smiled for a while, and just about to stuff the towel into Momo, he said again: "However, I don't want to wash it myself when I take a shower!"

After speaking like an uncle, he stretched out his arms and crossed his legs and asked Roy to undress and take a bath for him.

Roy almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, little boy.

"Okay!" Roy bite the bullet and respond, just wash it. It's not like he hasn't seen those things on men, not to mention this is a little boy who hasn't developed much.

It was a good idea, but it didn't go so well. As soon as he entered the bathtub in silence, he started playing with water, and sprayed Roy with the sprinkler, and the whole bathroom was covered with water.

"Silence, don't play with water, okay?" Roy took a deep breath and looked at him.

"biubiubiu~ Look at my water gun!" She silently ignored her and continued to do her own thing.

"You'll catch a cold in silence, so be obedient and stop playing in the water."

"I don't want it! The old witch looks at me Shuimukang!"



Jiang Xiaofei buckled her ears, only to realize that she was pretty good just now, and glanced lovingly at Tinker Bell where she was playing.

The incident of Qin Feiyang's illegitimate child was picked up by Jiang Xiaofei, but Qin Feiyang and Shao Qi were still in a turmoil, and even the baby was abused by some brainless fans.

"Mr. Lin, Qin Feiyang's matter can't be suppressed now, so we can only deal with it by guiding and accusing comments. Now the comments on Qin Feiyang and Shao Qi on the Internet are not very good. Qin Feiyang's advertisements have been stopped three times, and there is also a script. Ben called back and asked for a replacement." Secretary Lin reported the latest situation to Lin Mo.

"Qin Feiyang hid quite deeply. It's not bad to have such a big illegitimate child. All of a sudden, I have a wife and children. It's all in one step." Lin Mo pointed at the table, one after another. Secretary Lin didn't see that Mr. Lin was in the end. Somewhat apprehensive.

"President Lin... Next..." Secretary Lin tried to ask.

"Keep watching, Qin Feiyang was cultivated by the company with great difficulty. If it is not necessary to keep him, Shao Qi has withdrawn her manager position and let Xie Jin take Qin Feiyang with him temporarily."

Lin Mo thought over and over again and made this decision. Shao Qi, as Qin Feiyang's agent, is also the main party in this incident. Whether it is to calm the anger of fans, give an explanation to the public, or investigate her dereliction of duty, it is inevitable.

As for Xie Jin? It might not have been easy to handle before, but now Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang have a good relationship, and Xie Jin, the temporary agent, will agree no matter what.

"Okay!" Secretary Lin nodded.

"Also, let me remember which one fell down. Although they have excusable circumstances, it's one thing that I don't understand." This stop, the company does not know how much it will lose. After all, one Qin Feiyang does not know how much How many unknown little artists, this is the backbone of the company.

"Yes!" Secretary Lin looked at Mr. Lin with a bright smile and shivered all over. Although Mr. Lin was smiling, his vengeance was a must.

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