Even Lin Feiran was secretly looking forward to it. The distance was not too close, and it was not easy to carry a child and a child's luggage. It would be best to have a car.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her eyebrows. She knew something about Chengzitai, and she also participated in some variety shows. 'gou' is the purpose of Chengzitai. Will it be so kind to them? .

Sure enough, looking at the staff who came out with a few bicycles, Jiang Xiaofei thought: Sure enough!

Lin Feiran was a little speechless, while Che Ran and Roy were somewhat incapable of accepting it, like little cabbage ravaged by the wind, very cold.

"Let's go on a bike?" Roy screamed, pointing at the bike with the kid's seat in the back.

"That's right! It's absolutely right! Don't worry about finding the place, the program team has put in a sign in advance!" The staff replied intimately.

"I can't ride a bicycle." Roy's face was bad, he felt that the whole world was against him, the assigned children were against him, the room he lived in was against him, the program team was against himself...

"I won't either..." Che Ran raised his hand and said weakly.

Lin Feiran touched his nose. In fact, he hadn't ridden for a long time. Jiang Xiaofei couldn't see anything on her face, but she was also panicked. She didn't know how to ride a bicycle. Take the bus.

The last time I was able to ride a tricycle, at least there were three reels, so I wasn't afraid of falling. The two reels... She was a little apprehensive.

"It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time, and we can teach you." The staff glanced at Lin Feiran and Jiang Xiaofei with a smile.

"Oh." Che Ran was disappointed.

"Brother Feiran and Sister Xiaofei can ride?" Che Ran looked at the two of them.

"I haven't ridden it for a long time, so I don't know how it is now." Lin Feiran stared at the bicycles.

Jiang Xiaofei looked at the car with an expressionless face, "Don't look at me, I have never ridden a bicycle."

No...haven't ridden?

Roy glanced at her contemptuously and relaxed. He had never ridden before, and he still looked like he was winning. Who was he fooling?

Jiang Xiaofei: I didn't! not me! I was just embarrassed, not winning!

Che Ran also glanced at Jiang Xiaofei in surprise and comforted her, "It's okay, Brother Feiran, we can learn together."

In the end, it was indeed Lin Feiran who took up the position of coach, teaching them one by one.

Lin Feiran tried it on his own first, he could do it himself, he would know it before, and then he would find the feeling after practice.

Holding the back of the bike, he told the three of his experiences and taught them how to ride a bike.

The only advantage of this bike is that it is not too high. Even the two girls present can easily support it with their legs, so there is no need to worry about falling.

"Look at the front, hold the handlebar hard, don't shake it, try it." Lin Feiran taught Jiang Xiaofei in the back seat. In order to facilitate a few people to learn how to drive, the program team also provided a car without a seat. car.

"Okay! I'll give it a try." Jiang Xiaofei held the handlebars and sat diagonally on the seat with a serious face.

"Don't worry, I will support you from behind so you won't fall." Lin Feiran said patiently, telling her not to be afraid.

Jiang Xiaofei nodded and pedaled slowly, swaying at first, but Lin Feiran slowly let go of the hand holding the back seat. When Jiang Xiaofei came back to her senses, Lin Feiran was already behind.

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