He took back what he said before. Roy is not stupid at all. How many stupid people are in the entertainment industry? Stupid is him!

Tears fell silently, and the director could only coax and tell Roy not to go too far, can Roy do it? She won't compromise on matters related to her own interests, and she is more and more overbearing to silence, and the people in the program team stare blankly.

The baby here drinks a lot of milk powder, and after drinking too much, he wants to go to the toilet, pulling the hem of Concubine Jiang's clothes.

Blinking big eyes, "Auntie, I want to pee."

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Jiang Xiaofei quickly picked up the baby, asked, and went straight to the toilet.

This child is not wearing diapers now, if he can't help it accidentally... oh, Jiang Xiaofei shook her head.

Jiang Xiaofei passed Roy and others with her baby in her arms.

Silently being questioned, she dodged a little. Seeing Jiang Xiaofei holding the baby, for some reason, she pointed at Jiang Xiaofei and shouted, "It's her!"

Jiang Xiaofei frowned and glanced at Silently, feeling as if something was wrong, but because the dumpling in her arms was anxious to urinate, she ignored it and left quickly.

"Stop!" Roy shouted at the back of Jiang Xiaofei who left in a hurry.

Jiang Xiaofei ignored them and went straight to the toilet.

"Director, look! Isn't this a guilty conscience? Instigating children to do such vicious things, I believe the show team will give me an explanation, right?" Roy sneered and forced the director to make a statement.

Her boyfriend is an investor in this show! She didn't believe that the director would not care.

It's impossible not to care. The director watched Jiang Xiaofei leave and felt that it was not like what Roy said, but to appease her.

Still promised: "Miss Luo, don't worry, as long as other people participate with other motives, the program team will definitely give you an explanation!" If everything is her own guess, then...

"It must be her! Otherwise, how could Silently refer to her?"

Silently shrank back.

When Jiang Xiaofei came out with a relaxed baby, she saw a proud Roy and the people around her.

"Is something wrong with the director?" Jiang Xiaofei asked softly.

Glancing at Momo over there, the tears on his face hadn't been wiped away. Did he learn a lesson from what he just did silently?

Do not! wrong!

Jiang Xiaofei looked at Roy.

"That's it, Miss Jiang, just silently said that you instigated him to beat Miss Luo, do you think?" The director looked at Jiang Xiaofei with a scrutiny.

Roy didn't dare to move, but Jiang Xiaofei didn't dare either. The people behind Roy pinched their lifeline, and Xu Ershao behind Jiang Xiaofei didn't give in too much, so the tone was not bad.

Roy was not satisfied with the director's words, "What is she looking at? She just silently said that she ordered it!"

"Miss Luo, you..."

"Are you also protecting Jiang Xiaofei? Aren't you afraid that I will let people withdraw?"

"Don't worry, this matter..."

"Wait, talk slowly, who can tell me the ins and outs?" Jiang Xiaofei interrupted the two and comforted the baby.

"Stop pretending!" Roy looked like he was going to tear Jiang Xiaofei's face off, and refused to let her go.

The surrounding staff also looked at Jiang Xiaofei with strange expressions.

"What am I pretending? Before you convict people, do you want to talk about the ins and outs of the matter?" Jiang Xiaofei rolled her eyes angrily.

The director told Jiang Xiaofei everything one by one.

"So...is she silently saying that I asked him to beat Miss Luo?" Jiang Xiaofei asked.

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