The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 827: Schadenfreude

Roy looked at Jiang Xiaofei with some schadenfreude. She cried silently just now because of Jiang Xiaofei's questioning. She remembered it very clearly. Now the parents are looking for it. Let's see what you do!

Jiang Xiaofei felt Roy's eyes and ignored it. She held the baby and pondered. She shouldn't have done anything excessive just now, right? The tone is serious, does it scare the child?

"Tell mom silently, what's the matter? Don't cry, baby, don't cry." Mom silently's distressed eyes turned red.

This child is usually very angry with himself, and often beats him a few times, but he has always been solid and has never been like this.

"Mommy mommy--"

"Director, what's going on." Mumo's mother's face was not very good, but she still knew the temperament of her child, and it was not too much.

"Mother Momo, listen to us, it's like this, there was a performance before, and Momo communicated with Miss Luo before to make a fake fight, but when it came time for the performance, Momo was a real fight, and finally she had to hit Miss Luo in the face. , Miss Luo suspected that someone was instructing, so she asked Momo and silently identified..." The director looked at Jiang Xiaofei.

Silent mother also looked over.

Jiang Xiaofei walked forward, "Silently identified me, and then I asked him, was he saying that I instigated? Then she cried like this, if Silently was scared to cry because my tone was too serious just now, I would Apologize."

Jiang Xiaofei took the director's words, whether it was because she was scared to cry just now, in short, Silent cried after she said that, and she would inevitably be involved.

Silent mother glanced at Jiang Xiaofei, then looked at Roy behind, and frowned when she saw the undisguised gloating on her face.

She doesn't want to get into the dirty things in the entertainment industry, but it's good not to involve her son. If she admits that her son is her own fault, she will apologize properly. If...

Momo's mother looked at Momo and wiped away his tears. The choking caused by crying just now is still obvious, "Dear, stop crying."

"Tell your mother why you cry, okay? Did that sister really ask you to do it?" Mumo's mother rubbed Momo's head, followed his back, and asked in a low voice.

It may be that there is a familiar person around now, someone has supported him, and he is a lot harder than before. He leaned out of his mother's arms, looked over there, and shrank back.

"Mom is fine, Mom is here with you, don't be afraid, tell Mom, okay?" Mom Mo continued to comfort.

"Mom, woo woo - she insisted on forcing me to tell who asked me to do it, no one, woo woo, I... I'm just a prank, woo woo, I beat my dad like this at home... "

Silently speaking, wiping his eyes.

Jiang Xiaofei widened her eyes dumbly and looked at Roy over there, so... what did she force others to say? ?

"Silently means that the elder sister insisted on forcing you to say that someone made you really beat?"

"Um! Woo—I didn't say anything, she kept staring at me viciously, like she wanted to kill me, I was afraid of my mother, wow... I want to go home, I want to find my father—" In itself is a The child, when asked by his mother, said everything, and after speaking silently, he shivered without knowing what he thought of.

Momo's mother hugged the small body in her arms distressedly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

She still remembered silently admitting, "Then why do you say it's that sister?"

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