The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 829 Comfort

"Wait! Miss Luo should go with us, after all, you are also the party involved." Mumo's mother glanced at Roy who was about to leave and stopped her.

Roy looked at the director. The director was not feeling well now. He had to deal with the silent mother carefully, but also worried about the show, blaming Roy in his heart.

Feeling the look in Mumo's mother's eyes, the director agreed and said, "Miss Luo, let's go together."

So a group of people watched the video here together.

Silent mother looked at how Roy treated his son at that time, pushing and shoving, with a grim expression and fierce words...

She is usually a son of heaven and earth, like a little bully. She is not afraid of heaven and earth, but she is so afraid that she would be like that. If she hadn't reacted silently and quickly, she would have been pushed just now, with tears in her eyes...

Mother Mo's heart was broken when she saw it, and she held the fearful Momo in her arms tighter.

"Don't be afraid of being silent." He patted his back and comforted in a low voice.

The more the silent mother looked, the more anger she felt in her heart.

"Director! At that time, you made our parents feel at ease to hand over the child to you, and you gave it to you, and you treated them like this? At that time, your people and you were there, and you watched this Miss Luo treat my child like this? "Mom mum said sharply, pointing to the screen in front of the computer.

She doesn't care about other people, she admits that she was wrong in silence, but at that time she gave her child to the show team, but now the show team has let her silently be bullied like this...

"Mom, listen to me, no one thought of the situation at that time! It was an accident!" the director explained vigorously.

"It's our program team that did it wrong, we all accept it! It's easy to say anything, so please calm down first." The director handed Mumo's mother a glass of water.

"Accident? Director, are you kidding me? Such an obvious thing is an accident? The camera captured everything! If your crew doesn't have a proper solution, we won't give up." Mumo's mother insisted.

Roy looked at the director, who was forced to sweat coldly by his mother, and scolded him for nothing.

"Mom Mo, this is Momo's fault, okay? What are you going to do to trouble the show team? Aren't you afraid that the show team will make it public?" Roy raised his head and looked at Momo's mother.

The director heard it badly! Winking at Roy, Roy was unmoved at all and could only step forward by himself.

"Mom, don't listen to her nonsense, our program team doesn't mean that." The director smiled and apologized.

Momo's mother laughed angrily. She admitted that she was reasonable, and apologized to her. She never said how Roy did to Momo.

But this Miss Luo jumped out on her own, which was ridiculous.

"Miss Luo, it was our silent fault that we admitted, and we apologized just now, and we will also be responsible for the damage Silent caused you, but what I'm talking about now is that the show team bullied you silently and forced him to be indifferent! "Mom silently looked directly at Roy.

"Also...Miss Luo, although it's very wrong for me to say this, I still want to say, is there a trace of shame that you are such a big man who misled him to achieve some of your goals just now?"

"I didn't mean to! I really thought he was instigated to ask." Roy explained, completely suppressed by the momentum of Mumo's mother just now.

"Okay, this matter is over, I don't want to hear it." Mumo's mother waved her hand.

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