Jiang Xiaofei listened, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

An An glanced at Che Ran speechlessly, "You think too much."

The show continues.

【What happened to the program group? Suddenly. 】

[smelling a different storm...]

[If I'm not mistaken, have you ever cried silently? Eyes are still red. 】

[It seems that it really is, the little devil is crying? What's the matter, the show crew didn't say a word? 】

[Roy and Momo have just been away for a long time. After the performance of the two, they should let the old people vote for flowers, but they were empty for a long time for some unknown reason. 】

[@Program Group, what's going on? 】

If you are afraid that something will get worse and worse, the best way is to ignore it. There is so much information in the information age that it will always be overwhelmed by new information. This is the case with the show crew.

The new-faced baby in this issue of "The Arrival of Cute Baby" has gained a wave of fans with his cute, sensible and well-behaved image.

Many fans who lost their fans because of Qin Feiyang's sudden appearance of an illegitimate child quietly came to see how holy his son was.

Jiang Xiaofei's versatility has also been further deepened. She can bring her baby to cook internally, work to support her family externally, ride a bicycle, and carry a sack...

The pictures of Che Ran hiding behind Jiang Xiaofei, being despised by Silent and Jiang Xiaofei, and the baby being surprised were also saved with one click, and spread quite far.

"Your performance in this show is good. Although the number of fans has not grown much, the popularity has been maintained very well. Qin Feiyang's affairs have changed a lot because of the baby, and the company has gradually released his resources." After the show, Jiang Xiaofei said.

"That's good." Jiang Xiaofei closed her eyes and rested.

"Your clothes for this fashion week have been prepared, a few sets, and the clothes for the banquet in the back. It's good if you have experience and knowledge. You must follow Qin Feiyang and don't get scattered. The people inside are quite messy." Xie Jin was worried. exhort.

The entertainment industry is famous for Vanity Fair, power and sex deals, and there are many. He doesn't want Jiang Xiaofei to become the target of others. Although TX has a strong energy in Xia Kingdom, its control over the world can only be said to be mediocre. In some places, it is inevitable that there is more than enough power.

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaofei nodded.

There are not many people who participated in a fashion week and got invitations. Those who can get them will naturally exert their strength. As soon as Jiang Xiaofei arrives at the destination, she is taken by Xie Jin to take pictures. Let's go together, increase the popularity, grab resources, and not be slow at all.

For this reason, Xie Jin has equipped her with makeup artists, costumers, photographers... all in order to publish the draft.

Jiang Xiaofei is wearing the new spring couture from Grandma Fragrant's house, the jewelry of Difan's family on her neck, and the MV's family can't fall off naturally.

Under the interpretation of Jiang Xiaofei, the fluttering dress is a little more agile and pure.

"Okay! Miss Jiang changed her action!"

ka ka ka-

"Good! Keep it up." The photographer watched Jiang Xiaofei pose with satisfaction.

"Okay! Finish work."

Xie Jin handed Jiang Xiaofei to Bai Su and Jiang Ye, and walked towards the photographer himself.

"Hello." Xie Jinchao nodded his head.

"Hello, you are Miss Jiang's manager. Miss Jiang's photos are very well taken and feel very good."

When Xie Jin saw the original picture, he nodded with satisfaction. It looked so good even before it was refined. After the refinement, there must be no suspense.

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