The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 845 Xu Yanxiu arrives

It's true that Jiang Xiaofei is still not healed after taking the medicine. She didn't lie. In addition, she worked hard today and consumed a lot of energy. She fell asleep soon after washing.

When Xu Yanxiu received the news that Jiang Xiaofei was safe on the plane, he breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously did not disturb her, and told Xie Jin to let her have a good rest, and wait until we meet.

As soon as Jiang Xiaofei woke up the next day, she felt the burning gaze from her side. She looked up and saw that it was someone she knew well.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen a lot of vicissitudes, the blue under the eyes, the lack of time to shave and the deep tiredness in the eyes.

"Awake?" Xu Yanxiu sat on the bed and looked at her with a smile.

"You're here." Jiang Xiaofei smiled and looked at the person in front of her.

"Well, is there any discomfort?" Xu Yanxiu touched her forehead worriedly.

Not long after he arrived, Xie Jin told him the matter, including Jiang Xiaofei who taught Steve a lesson yesterday, troubled him to make amends, and the stubborn one who didn't go to the hospital...

For fear that yesterday's medicine would cause harm to Jiang Xiaofei's body, he kept staring at her.

Jiang Xiaofei felt it, except that her feet were uncomfortable because of wearing high heels, the rest was fine.

"No, I'm fine, haven't you rested for a long time?" Jiang Xiaofei stared at him.

"I'm not at ease." Xu Yanxiu grabbed Jiang Xiaofei's hand and put it on his lips.

"Would you like to do a test," he suggested.

"No, it's good that the medicine is over, it won't do any harm to the body." Jiang Xiaofei shook her head.

Looking at the tired person, Jiang Xiaofei opened her lips: "Do you want to rest first?"

"Okay!" Xu Yanxiu's lips curled slightly, took off his shoes, and lay down beside Jiang Xiaofei.

"You... I'll give you the place." Jiang Xiaofei originally wanted him to go to sleep elsewhere, but she thought that he came here in a hurry for her own sake, and it was because of her that she didn't have a good rest.

The ruthless refusal is inevitably a bit unkind, and when it comes to the mouth, it turns a corner.

Somewhat embarrassed to say.

Xu Yanxiu looked at the two blushing people on his face, with a smile in his eyes, and leaned closer to her ear, "No, let's go together."

As he said that, Xu Yanxiu wrapped one arm around Jiang Xiaofei and held her in his arms.

Jiang Xiaofei was forced to lie in his arms, blinking her eyes, but didn't react for a while. After she reacted, she bit her lip, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Feeling the breathing of the person next to her made her ears warm, she struggled slowly, wanted to get up, and gave him the place.

Xu Yanxiu felt her struggle, smiled bitterly, and said helplessly, "Little Concubine, if you move again, I don't know what to do."

The voice was hoarse, too scared to move.

"Hehehe, little coward!" Xu Yanxiu pinched her earlobe and scolded with a smile.

If she continued, he would definitely not let her escape easily this time. I didn't expect that this little cowardly bag would be obediently motionless this time. Xu Yanxiu didn't know whether to be grateful for her obedience, or to regret his happy life.

After Xu Yanxiu calmed down, he soon fell asleep. He had been busy for a long time, and he needed a good rest.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her head slightly, saw the angular face, put her hand on the beard he didn't have time to shave, and rubbed it.

Good work, Xu Yanxiu.

Looking at the people around me, I was very satisfied, the corners of my mouth curved, and I closed my eyes and continued to rest.

Today is a problem, tomorrow will be normal!

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