The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 861 Easter Egg

[Is it the amazing dance that Di Ji danced? It was one of the most impressive scenes in the whole play. At that time, my sister even went to study after watching it, but unfortunately it doesn't look like it...]

[Yes, it is there. 】

[Thumbs b( ̄▽ ̄)d, Jiang Xiaofei is awesome! Here are the few bright spots in the whole play. The dancers in it are absolutely insane, and even a layman who dances makes me fascinated. 】

[By the way, this is the first time I know that Jiang Xiaofei has been a stand-in? I always thought she was supported by President Xu. Sorry, I misunderstood. 】

[Humph, our little concubine succeeded only through our own efforts, and the first work was made by mistake because I went to the crew to help. 】

Jiang Xiaofei has been very prosperous recently, and the affair with Xu Yanxiu makes people's first impression of her is that she is a relationship household. When she mentions her, it is a good resource. Suddenly, the mention of the old yellow calendar makes many people a little surprised.

I was surprised that Jiang Xiaofei had even been a stand-in in the first place?

Some people think that Xu Yanxiu, who Jiang Xiaofei only met later, has come to this point completely by herself.

Some people think that Jiang Xiaofei was a small substitute before, and she didn't reach this position until she got the light of Xu Yanxiu.

"Wait a minute, everyone, let me find some music." Jiang Xiaofei pulled Bai Su next to her to find an accompaniment.

"I learned this with An An before. I watched them dance very well, and An An taught me something." Jiang Xiaofei said happily to the audience.

Hip-hop is different from the dances she has learned before, the rhythm is faster and more passionate!

【Learn from An An? I seem to know what dance Xiaofei wants to dance...]

[Blind eyes, everyone is not stupid, okay? Everyone knows Ann's hip-hop! 】

【That's it! Makes it seem like we don't know anything. 】

[Said weakly, I haven't seen it before, what you said...]

【cough! Everyone, go ahead and ignore it. 】

Jiang Xiaofei's clothes are very loose and will not be restrained, so there is no need to change clothes.

"I'm going to jump right away." Jiang Xiaofei posed and smiled at the camera.

At the beginning of the music, Jiang Xiaofei also moved with her.

【It smells like that right's amazing my concubine~】

【Amazing! This level is very good! Much better than that car! It's all taught by a master, why is the effect so bad? 】

[The car is burning, come out and take a look, it's someone else's. 】

Immediately left and followed the network cable to Qianwen, @ a car burn.

Che Ran pouted as he watched Jiang Xiaofei's hip-hop dance, and when he thought about himself at the time, he was flustered and embarrassed.

How did he know why Jiang Xiaofei danced so much better than himself? Could it be that the achievement is just a little bit worse?

It must be because he has been too busy at work recently, he did not make up for it, or he must be better than Jiang Xiaofei!

【Chen Bucao! Chen Bucao! incredible! I seem to know the sentence of teaching bad apprentices to starve their masters to death! Jiang Xiaofei's dancing is no worse than An An! 】

【sharp! Reward for a while~ I thought this was just for fun, but I didn't expect it to look like it! 】

The main reason for being rewarded and swiping money this time is that fans know that this is for the welfare of 20 million fans. She said before that all the rewards will be donated this time, and the live broadcast platform also joined in the fun and sent a message The statement said that this time they didn't take anything, they donated everything, and they did good deeds. In addition to celebrating Jiang Xiaofei's birthday, the fans were very active. .

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