"Then we can wait for your soup dumpling." Xie Jin smiled and took a bite.

Jiang Ye also nodded, echoing Xie Jin's words.


When Xu Yanxiu came back, the four of them were eating happily.

"President Xu?" Xie Jin paused while holding the pizza in his disposable gloves.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

Bai Su and Jiang Ye greeted him.

"Hello!" Xu Yanxiu nodded at them, "Continue."

Point to something on the table and let them continue, leaving him alone.

"You're back?" Jiang Xiaofei swallowed what was in her mouth, took a sip of water, and rushed forward.


Xie Jin gave Jiang Ye and Bai Su a wink, and the two received it and put down the things in their hands.

Xie Jin: "It's getting late, you rest, we'll go first."

"Yes! Sister Xiaofei, we're going back first, you all have a good rest."

"Let's go first."

The three quickly packed up a bunch of takeaways, except for Jiang Xiaofei's food, which was left to her, and the rest were packed and driven away by them.

Jiang Xiaofei glanced messily at the few people who left quickly, and swallowed quietly, really fast!

Looking at Xu Yanxiu, "Are they afraid of you?"

The expression just now was like a mouse seeing a cat, she didn't miss it.

Xu Yanxiu: "..."

"You can't eat people, what's so scary." Jiang Xiaofei whispered and continued to eat.

What does this make Xu Yanxiu say? Could it be that he talked to them behind his back?

Looking to the side, "Maybe we don't know each other very well." Xu Yanxiu said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Huh—" Bai Su went out the door and patted his own heart.

"Scared me to death, scared me to death, I will definitely take good care of Sister Xiaofei in the future." Bai Su clenched his fist and lightly nodded his head.

So Mr. Xu don't talk to me anymore, woo woo woo - so scary, don't give any gifts, she will take care of and protect the little concubine without sugar-coated cannonballs.

Xie Jin and Jiang Ye also thought about Xu Yanxiu chatting with them, and sending a small gift by the way, sugar-coated cannonball bombing.

The sugar-coated cannonball is a small matter, but the big thing is President Xu's icy expression, and words like a threat, a bribe and a warning, and the heart is trembling...

Especially Xie Jin, as the manager of Jiang Xiaofei's acting career and the big housekeeper, has suffered the most torrential rains and winds. He still remembers the look Mr. Xu gave him when he hurried to country F. At that time, he felt that he was finished.

Jiang Xiaofei's side was quickly finished, and she was waiting for "The Eve of the Finals" to enter the group.

The hero of "The Eve of the Showdown" has been confirmed, and it is Duanmu Hong.

Jiang Xiaofei was quite surprised to hear the news. The entertainment industry is really a big circle, and you can meet acquaintances wherever you go.

But this Duanmuhong and Qin Feiyang are not people of the same status. The crew gave up him because of Qin Feiyang... Jiang Xiaofei didn't know if this was a wise decision.

However, Duanmuhong's acting skills have been verified, and he has not reached the level of perfection, but it is also very good, at least much better than Jiang Xiaofei.

Duanmuhong started filming at an early age, and with talent, even if Jiang Xiaofei is powerful, it is difficult for him to be like him in less than a year.

Duanmuhong also received the news.

"Duanmu! The hero of "The Eve of the Show" has been confirmed, it's you!" Duanmuhong's agent smiled happily.

This is Chengzitai's big production this year. After successfully filming and the production can catch up with the new year, it's a good opportunity!

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