Jiang Xiaofei felt Tong Xue's gaze, thinking of what she said to herself last time... rub?

His face flushed red.

"Cough! Be serious." Jiang Xiaofei pushed Tong Xue who was leaning against her.

"What's wrong with this, I'm doing it all for your own good, do you want to wear a cheongsam this time? The cheongsam looks good when it's bumpy! You can't hold up and you won't be photogenic, let alone I have a comparison."

Tong Xue was very proud.

Seems like... that's the case, Jiang Xiaofei looked at Tong Xue wearing a cheongsam, the cheongsam was bulging and full of femininity, and Tong Xue was still showing off, even she was a woman. trembling.

The two were interrupted by Gu Zhe after a short chat.

"Ahhh! It's Zhezhe! It's really Zhezhe!"

"So handsome! Ah-"

"Zhezhe is also playing a cool and handsome young master this time, and he will play in his true colors!"

"It's the first time I saw Gu Zhe himself, he's really handsome!"


Gu Zhe, wearing sunglasses and with his hands in his pockets, captured the hearts of the women present as soon as he appeared, and everyone was talking, screaming, and excited.

Tong Xue looked at the attitude of the person who came, and opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Not to mention that although this way of appearing is a little bit second, it looks quite handsome.

Jiang Xiaofei didn't envy Gu Zhe for being in the limelight. Instead, she felt a little pain in her eyes, very much like the way the male protagonists of those brain-dead romantic dramas that Bai Su watched.

Gu Zhe looked towards Xiaofei Jiang, took off his sunglasses, turned slightly sideways, "Brother Ji, Tong Xue is here too?"

"That's right! She is the special star this time. She is the second female in the play. If you can communicate with her more, if you can help you, you will be able to get along in the film and television circles and film circles."

He didn't say a word, Tong Xue's life is a little unruly, maybe he can get into a relationship, anyway, both of them are quite open.

Ji Ge tilted his head with his standard orchid fingers and thought.

"Don't worry!" Xie Mei smiled, stroked her hair, and blinked at Tong Xue.

Hiss - Ji Ge Lanhua's fingers trembled a little, bit her reddish lips, and couldn't bear to look directly, Gu Zhe wouldn't be obsessed with watching those dramas, right? Sin ah...

Gu Zhe is a layman. In addition to the acting teacher, he can only watch more characters of the same type in private for inspiration, learn more, and Ji Ge found her a lot of idol dramas to watch.

Gu Zhe's role has to be seen a lot in idol dramas, and it's useful to see how it works. After all, the acting teachers he invited have all hinted to him more or less that this student is not very easy to teach.

Tong Xue received Gu Zhe's signal and pouted and gave him a wink.

Unexpectedly, this younger brother is quite interesting, and the smile on his lips is getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Xiaofei had a panoramic view of all this, and began to look up at the sky. In these days, she could see an adultery just by looking at it. She didn't believe that there were still people flirting in the sky.

Jiang Xiaofei remained calm and lowered her sense of presence.

Gu Zhe walked over with three or four assistants and an agent.

"Little Concubine meets again!"

Looking at the man dressed like a peacock, Jiang Xiaofei tried her best not to look at his clothes and almost oily hair, "Yes! We meet again."

After saying hello to the acquaintance, Gu Zhe put his eyes on Tong Xue. He still prefers the big hills to the tablet, regardless of whether he has a double plug or not, he still has this hobby.

"Miss Tong has admired her name for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here. I am very pleasantly surprised." The surprise was real, and her eyes were not false.

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