"Thank you Mr. Xu for investing in our crew! Our crew has the best actresses and excellent team. All resources are used first, so you will not be disappointed!" The person in charge held Xu Yanxiu's hand sincerely.

"Yeah!" Xu Yanxiu calmly took out his hand.

Director Wang on the side couldn't listen anymore. Where did he find this person in charge? He was so flattering!

Of course, the person in charge knew why President Xu invested in their crew, not for women? Someone's girlfriend is here, hehe~ It's really rich to spend hundreds of millions just for the sake of it!

The person in charge secretly complained, but with a smile on his face, the one you chose must be the most correct one! They don't dislike a lot of money at all. They can spend a lot of money to do a lot of things. It's right to praise someone's girlfriend!

"Then you should practice with Miss Jiang first, and take your time for the first filming." The person in charge gave Xu Yanxiu an ambiguous look.

Xu Yanxiu was added on a temporary basis. He was busy with Xu Yanxiu bringing his own funds, so he ignored the hero for a while.

Over there, Director Wang found Duanmuhong, "As you can see, the person in charge of the stage brought the person for Jiang Xiaofei. Later, you will have a show of no words, and he is a no-brainer."

Duanmuhong glanced at the two people over there, was silent for a while, then looked up at Director Wang, "Director, I know, what I need to do later."

Recognizing the reality is what he needs to do now. Because of the reality, he chose Wu Jiangyue and got the favor of the big names. He is very fortunate, so he chose to compromise this time.

What's more, it doesn't make much difference to him whether there is or not.

"Okay! Duanmu will just shoot normally later. I'll call to stop then. You are a good actor, work hard!" Director Wang patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Director Wang."

"Then go down and prepare first, and play well!"

Duanmuhong said goodbye with a wink and left.

"Duanmu, what's the matter? Director Wang is looking for you..." Duanmu Hong's agent hurried over.

Tell the agent about it.

Agent: "That's fine. It will save the two of you rumors about scandals. You are on the rise now. If you stop talking, you will be gone."

He was very open, anyway, the one stared straight at it, under the pressure of the eyes, it is not sure whether they can shoot smoothly, the substitute is the substitute.

Besides, avatars are very common in the crew, such as eloquence, Wu, and Wen... What's the matter? Only you can't think of it, you can't do it without them.

Before, it was not an actor who just showed his face, and the rest of the lines and various scenes were completed with the help of substitutes, and it was really good to make money.

"Yeah! I know." Duanmuhong nodded.

This is not a big deal. After all, some people really don't want to shoot such intimate scenes, and they often use stand-ins. What makes him uncomfortable is that the crew only told him now.

But thinking about the identity of that person, the discomfort also dissipated a bit.

"All departments are ready! Start in three minutes!"

Xu Yanxiu had already put on his clothes and finished his make-up, and sat on a chair watching the two of them filming in the middle.

He stared at her without blinking, really wanting to take Jiang Xiaofei to heart.

Treating the lover as warm as a spring breeze, and treating the enemy like a storm, looking at the paw that was holding Jiang Xiaofei's little hand, Xu Yanxiu squinted and stared at it, wishing to chop it off.

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