The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 884 Exercise more, sleep more, eat more

Naturally, it's not really surprising. After all, the results of the previous finalists have long been published on the Internet. These words are just to mobilize the atmosphere.

The host cued to Gao He, the lights hit him immediately, and Gao He, who was sitting below, became the focus of everyone.

Everyone also laughed kindly and looked at Gao He.

The host smiled and said, "Guess who the best actor will be this time?"

The host continued to sell off.

【Gao He! Must be our senior! Lao Gao's acting skills have nothing to say]

【Fu Zitian! This time, Fu Zitian's performance is wonderful, great! Subvert the previous perception of him. 】

["The Detective" is also very good-looking. I like the detective played by Ge Chen very much, but the gods are very powerful. I like it! 】

[I think Gao He's possibility is quite high, but taking a step back, everyone in the five TV series originally had a one-fifth probability of winning the prize, but Gao He alone has two roles in it, which accounts for five 2 out of 10, the possibilities are greatly increased! 】

[Uh... The analysis upstairs sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but! It really doesn't matter the quantity. 】

"The winner of the best actor this time..." The host turned over the card in his hand and blinked playfully.

"The award is presented by Qin Feiyang, the Emperor Qin! The Emperor Qin is invited!"

clap clap-

Applause -

Qin Feiyang stepped forward.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her eyebrows when she looked at Qin Feiyang, who had a new look and smile, but she didn't expect Qin Feiyang to come.

Compared with before, it is a lot calmer. After a period of time, I should have made a complete plan.

"Hello everyone! Seeing that everyone is so anxious, I will go straight to the topic." Qin Feiyang smiled heartily.

"The final winner of the best actor this time is Gao He from "Emperor Phoenix"! Please come to the stage to accept the award!"

Hearing the news, Gao He couldn't help but put a smile on his lips, no one disliked winning many prizes.

When the light came on, Gao He stood up and hugged the people around him.



He hugged Lu Jin and walked to Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei was stunned for a moment and then reacted.



Gao He glanced at Jiang Xiaofei before walking slowly onto the stage.

Jiang Xiaofei was a little strange at Gao He's glance.

Gao He just stepped forward and hugged Jiang Xiaofei without thinking, but he didn't regret it.

He had a good impression of Jiang Xiaofei, and he didn't deny it, but it was wrong when the two met, or he didn't grasp it at the time.

If you miss it, you miss it. If you miss it again this time, I don't know when I will be able to hug Jiang Xiaofei openly.

Their unrequited feelings will always be sealed.

So he would rather be impulsive this time.

The surroundings were immersed in all kinds of music and applause, watching Gao He accept the award, but he didn't think too much, maybe the two had a good relationship.

But Lu Jin, who was beside the two, noticed.

His eyes were a little hesitant, he watched Gao He leave, and put his eyes on Jiang Xiaofei.

There was no communication between the two when they were on the set, and there was nothing when the two met. Could it be that she was overthinking it?

Jiang Xiaofei felt her gaze and blinked her eyes.

"Cough! I just saw that your skin is fine." Lu Jin was a little embarrassed to be caught.

"Exercise more, sleep more, eat more!" Jiang Xiaofei continued to answer seriously.

The corners of Lu Jin's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly looked at the awards.

Any messy thoughts were thrown out of his mind.

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