The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 887 Bonus

Jiang Xiaofei hasn't seen the drama "Walking All the Way", but she plans to go back and watch it. After all, so many people applaud it, there must be a good reason for it.

At the end of the award ceremony, before leaving, Lu Jin awkwardly thanked Jiang Xiaofei.

It's not that she is unhappy about being squeamish, but that she is ashamed of her previous careful thoughts, and she is also a little glad that her little jealousy and careful thoughts are all in private, and they didn't let them go dazzled and come out to harm others.

She didn't know what Jiang Xiaofei was thinking, but she was very grateful for Jiang Xiaofei's help this time. Every move in the entertainment industry has other meanings, and this kind of help is rare.

And the posture that Jiang Xiaofei found now is not the kind of thing that needs to get any benefits from herself.

I remembered this feeling in my heart, waiting for the opportunity she would repay.

"Thank you!" Lu Jin looked at Jiang Xiaofei and pursed her lips.

"It's okay, you can go back and rest." Jiang Xiaofei smiled.

People who practice martial arts are very sensitive to the emotional perception of outsiders, and Lu Jin can also feel the change in his own attitude.

The two have no hatred, one softens the attitude of the other and the other naturally follows the trend.

"See you!"

Jiang Xiaofei also got into the car.

"Huh—" Sitting in the car, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations for winning the Best Supporting Actress!" Xie Jin congratulated her with a smile.

This is only the first award. In the future, Jiang Xiaofei will also have a series of awards such as Best Actress.

"The result of everyone's joint efforts." Jiang Xiaofei was also very happy, the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Sister Xiaofei is the best!" Bai Su patted Jiang Xiaofei's rainbow fart while using a trumpet to tear up Heijiang Xiaofei's people online.

"Congratulations!" Jiang Ye also congratulated while driving.

"Thank you! There are bonuses this month! Find Brother Jin."

With a big wave of his hand, he was very dashing.

Now Xie Jin is in charge of paying wages, so it's right to find him anyway.

"Where's my share?" Xie Jin said quietly looking at the man full of energy.

Gee! Forget that there is another person to be paid.

However, in addition to the basic salary, Xie Jin also took a cut of the money Jiang Xiaofei earned.

"Cough! Do you want one thousand yuan?" Jiang Xiaofei looked at him innocently.

Brother Jin is very rich, and he can beat himself, a weak chicken. Her money is not worth mentioning in front of him, so she won't show off, and the meaning is good.

A thousand dollars is not too little! Bai Su and Jiang Ye thought to themselves that they were not rich people like Brother Jin. With the salary of the assistant, a thousand yuan was a lot.

But... give Brother Jin a thousand yuan bonus, how much do they have? Bai Su thought about it and asked.

"Little Concubine, how much is Jiang Ye's prize money?" A little excited rubbed our hands together, a point is love! She decided that no matter how much bonus she gave, she would love her the most!

"You two..." Jiang Xiaofei rubbed her chin and looked at Bai Su who blinked and Jiang Ye whose eyes drifted over from time to time.

"Today is a good day, we have to keep going smoothly, so... just send 6666 to each of you!"

"Ah - long live Xiaofei sister!" Bai Su screamed in the car all his life, waving his hands around in excitement.

Jiang Ye's eyes also lit up, and he drove a lot faster.

Xie Jin complained: "Why are they two 6666, I am a thousand?! You are treating them differently!"

"Well... I hate the rich!" Jiang Xiaofei nodded solemnly after speaking.

It doesn't hide its discriminatory treatment at all.

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