The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 893 Arrival

Different from all the roles Jiang Xiaofei played before, this is a villain role, which makes people hate it. It's a big breakthrough when she plays it well, and it's a curse when she plays it badly.

Xie Jin hesitated, but in the end, Jiang Xiaofei made the final decision and decided to take it.

The two dramas just took a while to be filmed. After Jiang Xiaofei traveled, she came back to shoot an advertisement and promote it, and then she joined Director Zhang's crew, and then seamlessly connected the suspense drama, which was properly arranged.

Jiang Xiaofei is now sitting on the plane with Xu Yanxiu.

I had made an appointment with everyone on vacation before, and I happened to meet Ji Rui's girlfriend. This time was an opportunity.

"Will it be bad for me to bring these jars of wine?" Jiang Xiaofei counted the things she brought.

"You've brought a lot. They're coveting your medicinal wine now. The ones you gave to them have been drunk long ago. You can't tell how happy you will be when you bring them. Besides, didn't you bring others?"

Xu Yanxiu patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaofei pouted.

It was because the value of Xu Yanxiu's belt was too high, which made her a little uncomfortable.

The hotel they stayed in this trip was in charge of Lin Mo, and the place to play was in charge of Ji Rui. Xia Jinchao made the yacht or something. Li Ping-pong is said to have brought gifts for everyone.

Originally, Xu Yanxiu told her not to bring anything, but after seeing that Jiang Xiaofei didn't want to take advantage of everyone, she let her go and asked her to bring a few jars of medicinal wine, which they all liked.

Although they are not male chauvinists, it seems that it has become customary for men to pay when they go out.

Of course, with the exception of Xu Yanxiu, Xu Yanxiu only brought a gift for Ji Rui's girlfriend when he went out this time, and the others were prepared by them.

According to Xu Yanxiu, they are all ready anyway, if he does it again, how bad would it be? It seems to make some sense...

"Here!" Li Pingpong waved at Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu in a floral shirt and sunglasses.

"You are finally here!" Li Pingpong took the small suitcase from Jiang Xiaofei's hand.

"No, I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, it's just a small box, you're welcome."

Li Ping-pong said that, Jiang Xiaofei naturally wouldn't be polite any more.

"You were already here?"

"Well, we've been here for two days and have been waiting for you."

"Sorry, we are late." Jiang Xiaofei smiled apologetically.

"It's okay! You're busy, everyone knows, it's not intentional, but you didn't come, it's boring, Lao Xia has been swooning coldly, not talking, boring, Ji Rui is tired and crooked with that girlfriend every day, Lin Mo looked at Ji Rui faintly, and from time to time he talked about his preference for sex over friends, and I felt numb all over, just come here."

Li Ping-pong patted his chest, so as soon as he knew of their plane today, he actively came to pick him up.

"Have you delivered anything? Xu Yanxiu went straight to the point.

In addition to gathering and relaxing, the most important thing is to meet Ji Rui's girlfriend and give him a gift.

"No, isn't this waiting for you?" Li Pingpong smiled.

Jiang Xiaofei knew what they said about the things they sent, as well as the gossip inside, these were all told to her by Xu Yanxiu.

"Let's go quickly, save them waiting, we've been late for a long time." Jiang Xiaofei pulled Xu Yanxiu to speed up.

Xu Yanxiu smiled as he watched Jiang Xiaofei take his hand and clenched it tightly.

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