Jiang Xiaofei didn't know if her training was effective or what. Her progress was rapid, and her actions were fast and her people were agile. The two teammates didn't lose the chain, and they won the second game with a slight advantage.

"In the second game, Jiang Xiaofei's team won."

"Little Concubine, you are not bad! Awesome!" Lin Mo stretched out his hand and gave Jiang Xiaofei a thumbs up!

Jiang Xiaofei smiled without saying a word, and silently accepted the praise.

Anna glanced at Lin Mo who was surrounded by Jiang Xiaofei, her eyes paused, but she didn't say anything.

The third game started as scheduled, and it was still Jiang Xiaofei's team that won. Anna was good at the beginning, but later she couldn't keep up with her physical strength.

As soon as it was over, Ji Rui rushed over to Anna's side.

"Are you alright!" Ji Rui looked at Anna, whose face was pale, and was very worried.

"It's okay, just a little tired." Anna shook her head, smiling a little reluctantly.

She actually lost to an actress who relies on a man to eat? ? Anna couldn't accept it for a while.

"Anna is a little tired. We plan to go back first. Do you want to go back together or play for a while?" Ji Rui asked, looking at the sky.

Everyone looked at each other, "Let's go back together." Li Pingpong said.

Agree and go home.

It's almost time for dinner.

The barbecue is prepared in the evening, and it is great to have an outdoor barbecue on a summer night!

It just so happens that you don't have to consider everyone's tastes for barbecues, you can match them yourself.

The ingredients were prepared by Ji Rui, but they had to cook it themselves.

"I know how to bake, who of you can do well?" Ji Rui looked at everyone.

"Cough!" Lin Mo looked up at the sky, don't count on him, Young Master Lin said that he can only eat, not cook!

Xia Jinchao didn't join in the fun either. His craftsmanship can only be cooked, and it's not delicious, so it's not a disappointment.

"I'll do it." Xu Yanxiu frowned and glanced at the prepared barbecue grill.

"I'll be with you." Jiang Xiaofei will too. Anyway, she and Xu Yanxiu can be in charge of one of the two barbecue grills.

"Good! Thank you for your hard work."

"Axiu, help me bake this chicken wing! I want spicy!" Lin Mo was eating the pork belly that Xu Yanxiu had just baked. It was delicious!

"Axiu, I want that squid, make it more spicy!" Li Pingpong's mouth was full, his voice was not clear, and he actively asked.

Xia Jinchao didn't say anything, but at the beginning, he took a skewer of meat grilled by Ji Rui, and after eating it, he took the grilled meat by Xu Yanxiu, and then sat there without moving.

Obviously there is a direct choice for the barbecue level of the two.

He didn't make all kinds of demands like Lin Mo and Li Pingpong, but he didn't pick anything he could eat.

Anyway, there is nothing you can't eat here, even if you can't eat it, don't take it.

Jiang Xiaofei sat beside Xu Yanxiu and ate the chicken leg he had just baked. She ate one of her own, and held one in the other hand. From time to time, she put it under Xu Yanxiu's mouth and let him take a bite.

snort! Xu Yanxiu ignored the two people who asked for it, whether he liked it or not!

Turning his head and looking at Jiang Xiaofei gently, "Xiaofei, what else do you want to eat? I'll bake it for you."

"I want a bunch of gluten, I'll do it myself, you haven't eaten much yet." Jiang Xiaofei looked at the pile of signs, Xu Yanxiu ate very little, most of them were done by the three of them.

"It's alright, I'll bake it for you before you eat it."

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