"Help~" Jiang Xiaofei swam there and could hear the little boy's weak cry for help and struggle.

"Save...Pfft..." Jiang Xiaofei couldn't care whether the swimsuit was exposed or not, the child's condition was a little bad.

She should be glad that she put on a swimsuit inside a few days ago, and plunged her head into the water as soon as she took off her outer clothes.

"Xiaofei!" Xu Yanxiu frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaofei.

There was no one else around, Xu Yanxiu gritted his teeth, endured his worries and called for someone to put down the crying little girl in his arms.

"Brother! Woohoo, brother!" The little girl choked and called her brother.

"Stop crying, be obedient, let's call someone to save them! You go over there, I'll go over there!"

Xu Yanxiu said with a serious face.

"Okay." The little girl choked and nodded, trying her best to run in the direction of Xu Yanxiu's fingers.

"Help! Help!" cried while crying.

Xu Yanxiu ran to the other side, shouting with red eyes, "Someone fell into the water! Help!"

He is a little regretful now. He should have been honest yesterday. If he was honest, he would not have angered Xiaofei and would not have been injured. Then he can go down to save people today...

"Come here! Help!"

There were a lot of people on the beach, and a lot of people came as soon as they shouted.

"What's wrong." Xia Jinchao ran over after hearing Xu Yanxiu's voice.

"Someone fell into the water, Xiaofei went down to save people." Xu Yanxiu's eyes were red.

"Xiaofei? Isn't Xiaofei not good at swimming?" Li Pingpong was a little surprised.

After calling someone, Xu Yanxiu clenched his fists and looked over there, where Xiaofei had just passed by.

He also wanted to go over, wanted to go over to find her, but he couldn't, he couldn't go over, and his passing now would only make rescue more difficult...

Time has passed, and there is still no news of the two of them, but there is no one on the water. Everyone knows how much a person can breathe in the water...

"Little Concubine!" Xu Yanxiu rushed over there, he was going to find her.

"Axiu! Calm down."

Li Ping-Pong grabbed him.

"Let go of me!" Xu Yanxiu broke away from Li Pingpong's hand, his eyes were red and filled with pain.

Xia Jinchao looked at Xu Yanxiu's appearance, stepped forward and punched him.

"Old Xia!" Lin Mo grabbed Xia Jinchao.

"Have you calmed down?" Xia Jinchao grabbed his collar.

Release him and look at Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, let's go over and take a look, you watch him."

"Okay!" Lin Mo followed Xia Jinchao to find someone.

The two of them have diving certificates, and their swimming level is not to be said, so they can participate in the rescue.

There, Jiang Xiaofei was led down by the little boy.

Like grabbing a driftwood, the little boy grabbed Jiang Xiaofei with both hands and feet and refused to let go.

Seeing the child with his eyes closed and choking on water, Jiang Xiaofei closed his eyes and let him breathe.

"Let go of me and grab my hand." The little boy was dazed.


Jiang Xiaofei and the little boy slowly swam to the water and saw the rescuers on the water.

Give us the child. "

Jiang Xiaofei nodded.

The little boy kept holding Jiang Xiaofei and didn't let go, for fear of hurting him, he helped Jiang Xiaofei to carry him to the beach together.

"Child, how are you?" Jiang Xiaofei patted his face.

"Cough!" He coughed and spat out a few saliva.

"Miss, he's fine, he must be choking."

"Little Concubine!" As soon as Jiang Xiaofei came over, she was hugged by Xu Yanxiu.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Xiaofei hugged him back with her idle arms.

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