The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 923 New Movie

When the man tried his best to return to his home in the country, he found that his wife and daughter had left, and he felt remorse.

In that era, unlike today's well-developed communications, it was too difficult to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people. It was not until more than 20 years later that they went through untold hardships to find the mother and daughter.

At that time, the daughter has grown up, and the heroine's life has revolved around her daughter's grandson...

The daughter played by Jiang Xiaofei is not as great as her mother. She can pull her child to grow up alone, and she also finds her own way in the trend of the times.

Rather, it is a bit irritating, pitiful and sad, which is a challenge for Jiang Xiaofei.

The female No. 1 who plays Jiang Xiaofei's mother is an old acquaintance. At that time, Tian Ruodan, the veteran actress who recorded "We Are All Family" together.

The two have seen this filming for a long time and get along well, and it went smoothly.

"Little Concubine, let's have dinner together for the two of us at noon today. There are many people eating and it is lively." Tian Yinghou looked at Jiang Xiaofei kindly.

Jiang Xiaofei smiled and nodded in agreement after looking at Tian Ying.

Seeing Jiang Xiaofei answer, Tian Yinghou couldn't be more happy, "I asked my assistant to ask for your favorite hot and sour potato shreds today. Let's eat it together. Do you want to play against each other now? I'll accompany you."

Queen Tian is so enthusiastic, she has been thinking about it since she ate a lot of meals made by Jiang Xiaofei after the show.

Later, I asked my assistant to buy it at Youranju, which is Jiang Xiaofei's shop, and the taste is really good, but there are only so many kinds of food, and there is still a gap between careful products and Jiang Xiaofei's cooking.

This is a chance to meet Jiang Xiaofei on the set. Queen Tian felt that this was a surprise prepared for herself, and she made up her mind to try Jiang Xiaofei's craftsmanship.

She doesn't take advantage of her, and it's not good to give money, so give things and help her act!

Jiang Xiaofei felt Queen Tian's enthusiasm, nodded, thanked her, and went to the show.

This is a good opportunity. She has to seize it. Although Tian Yinghou and Mo Fenghua are both actresses, the gap between the two is too big.

Tian Yinghou is a veteran international film queen, who has won a highly internationally recognized film queen award, and her acting skills are undeniable in the whole country.

And Mo Fenghua won the best actress in a movie in China. Although it has a lot of gold content, it is not enough to compare with Tianying Queen.

Jiang Xiaofei's role as a daughter is not too much. After all, the role of a daughter needed a small actor when she was young, and it was Jiang Xiaofei who later learned from middle school and grew up.

Today is also the first meeting between the daughter played by Jiang Xiaofei and the father played by Teacher Liu.

The daughter received all kinds of cold words with her mother since she was a child. She hated her father's departure. Maybe it was just like the villagers said that he ran away for a better future and left them both mother and daughter.

When I was a child, I listened too much and I would blame my mother for not being able to keep my father. Later, when I grew up and became sensible, I realized that some people can’t be kept unless you want to keep them. He wants to come back, he will come back one day!

Just like the boy that the girl likes, the hazy feelings are the most beautiful, but the moon from abroad attracts him, even if the girl keeps him, he still leaves.

Just like the father in the play, despite searching for so many years, he finally found their mother and daughter...

dong dong~

"Here! Hello, who are you looking for?" The daughter, who was a new mother, saw her father for the first time, like a stranger.

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