The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 943 Blessing

"Can I open it now?" Jiang Xiaofei asked Xu Yanxiu, blinking a pair of star eyes.

"Okay." Xu Yanxiu looked away uncomfortably.

"What I do may be a little ugly. The first time I do it, it will be fine later."

Xu Yanxiu saved a few words for himself.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her eyebrows, gave him a deep look, and then turned her attention to the box in front of her.

Jiang Xiaofei slowly opened it and looked at the things lying in the box, clothes?

When I picked it up, I saw that some of the unqualified stitches were obviously made by Xu Yan.

A pajama top, pajama pants, and a nightdress.

"Thank you! I've made great progress, much better than last time." Jiang Xiaofei smiled and nodded in affirmation to Xu Yanxiu.

Jiang Xiaofei is the truth. The bag that Xu Yanxiu made for her last time, even though Jiang Xiaofei doesn't care about beauty or ugliness, she still doesn't dare to carry it out.

Afraid of leaking things out!

Xu Yanxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's been a busy day today, go and rest." Jiang Xiaofei walked towards the bedroom with her present.

Xu Yanxiu was stunned there.

Did she understand what he meant?

Jiang Xiaofei returned to the room and closed the door, looked at the pajamas in her hand, and took a deep breath.

Making pajamas for her girlfriend... The ancients Jiang Xiaofei knew that this was very ambiguous. No matter whether Xu Yanxiu had other intentions or not, she decided to avoid it first.

Jiang Xiaofei still has many friends and nodding acquaintances in the entertainment industry.

Today, I received a lot of birthday wishes one after another. During the day, because I don’t have time, everyone knows that, but if I don’t reply at night, it’s a bit too much to say.

[Yang Jiaojiao: Happy Birthday~ I finally grew up another year! @江小飞. 】

【Tong Xue: Yeah! Going one step further into the ranks of old women, congratulations! @江小飞. 】

[Lin Mo: Happy birthday, I wish Xiaofei a successful career and a happy love! @江小飞. 】

[Peng Dayue: Today is a good day ~ a good day ~ Xiaofei@江小飞 Happy birthday! 】

[Qin Feiyang: @#...\u0026*, this is my blessing! (*\u0026…………#@!! This is the baby’s blessing! Happy breaking the shell! @江小飞.]

[Director Zhang: Another year older, give birth soon! @江小飞]


She is friends with Yang Jiaojiao, Zhao Tianmei, Qin Feiyang, Jiang Jian, Peng Yue and others, as well as cooperating actors, directors, and some unknown actors who are popular.

Jiang Xiaofei didn't pay attention to those who were hot, she hadn't even heard of them, let alone knew them.

Reply to everyone else.

Difan even sent her a birthday wish, Jiang Xiaofei was quite surprised, Difan has always been cold, not to mention Jiang Xiaofei only has a good relationship with them and has no meaningful status.

imilk, Xingyao... and other brands also sent blessings to Jiang Xiaofei, and also prepared birthday gifts for their spokespersons.

Even Grandma Xiang's family sent blessings and gifts to her family's ambassador.

Jiang Xiaofei's popularity is not small now, what's more, from before her birthday to the day of her birthday, she will be on the hot search every day, and even today, there are several hot searches throughout the day. It is said that there are a lot of people attracted by the leisurely residence. Also on the news of a small foreign country.

Praise Jiang Xiaofei is now a popular female star in Xia Guo.

Of course, there are too many outsiders in Lean Ran, which will hinder normal traffic and make it popular. Of course, this is not good. This is made by some passers-by who can't see it and Jiang Xiaofei's opponent.

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