Although the adaptation is somewhat indistinguishable from the original, but from the director's point of view, it has the potential to explode.

Jiang Xiaofei is now filming the most exciting place, fighting wits and courage with her husband in the play.

In an unknown place during the day, I don't know the identity of the two sides, fighting wits and courage, and at night they are model couples who love each other.

The actor who plays Jiang Xiaofei's husband is also an actor in a literary film. He is less than 30 years old and has a righteous face.

According to the actor Xiao Shen, why did he take over this drama? High pay.

At the beginning, most of the money for this drama was given to the male protagonist. Later, with additional investment from TX, the shooting effect was much better.

"Miss Jiang!" Xiao Shen greeted Jiang Xiaofei with a straight face.

"Hello Mr. Xiao!"

A straight face, a straight face! This is Jiang Xiaofei's evaluation of Xiao Shen.

The righteous look on his face is not just on the surface, but the real thing.

According to Bai Su's gossip, this Xiao Shen used to be a member of the bu team, but later retired, because his appearance was not bad, he was dragged to act.

However, all of them are literary and artistic films, and they are not bad in the field of literary and artistic films, but literary and artistic films are not a big investment, so the remuneration is limited.

Xiao Shen just took over this web drama, the script is okay, the director is okay, and the pay is very good!

Infected by Xiao Shen's righteousness, everyone in the crew is safe.

At the beginning, some people thought about condoms, and if they had a chance to climb up, they walked around in front of Jiang Xiaofei and Xiao Shen.

Xiao Shen looked at them lightly, and those people instantly felt the feeling of the old father on the opposite side, and they ran away one by one.

Jiang Xiaofei was beautiful by herself.

This is also the quietest crew that Jiang Xiaofei has encountered so far...

No calculations, no noise, no jokes, no...

In short, there is nothing, I don't know if she is used to being abused, and Jiang Xiaofei is still a little uncomfortable.


"Beautiful? Beautiful?" Su Xuanxuan looked at the person in a daze and shook her hand in front of her.

"Ah? What's the matter, Xuan Xuan, is there something?" Sun Meili put away her phone in a panic.

Su Xuanxuan glanced at her, then looked at the things she had put away, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, have you had any troubles recently? Don't hold back, let's solve anything together."

This is not the first time that Sun Meili has been in a daze. Last time, because of her absent-mindedness, she put sugar into salt in the dishes she cooked for a guest, and she gave the other party a few more side dishes and made a new one before letting the matter pass. .

"It's alright!" Sun Meili said loudly, not knowing what was hit.

He seemed to know that his loud voice was a little abrupt, so he remedied: "Hehe, why am I in trouble? I will tell you if I have something!"

"That's good." Su Xuanxuan nodded hesitantly

"If you are tired, go to rest. Even if You Ranju is closed for a day, Sister Xiaofei won't say anything. Sister Xiaofei said before that it's about something."

It was they who wanted to take a cut, so they never closed it. After all, Leuranju has a lot of turnover in a day. Although it is not as good as when Xiaofei was there, they are also very good. Sometimes they can have tens of thousands of yuan. , a few thousand less.

After the draw is a lot of money.

"Okay!" Sun Meili hurriedly left.

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