Jiang Xiaofei and Su Xuanxuan looked at the person who was dressed as a chef and slowly walked out from behind, observing her changes.

Jiang Xiaofei didn't speak, her face was expressionless, but she was in admiration. Sure enough, this person relies on clothes, and Buddha relies on gold clothes. When wearing this formal chef's clothes, it really tastes like that.

Su Xuanxuan looked at Sun Meili angrily, wanting to know why she left, why she left without saying a word.

Just as she was about to rush up, she was pulled by Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei stood up and walked slowly to Sun Meili, looking at her.

Sun Meili was a little uncomfortable and a little shy when she saw it.

"Little Concubine, don't--"

Sweetheart's words were ignored and interrupted by Jiang Xiaofei.

"Beautiful, are you sure you want to leave Youranju?" Jiang Xiaofei didn't ask any serious questions, she just asked in the same tone of voice she usually speaks.

"I... I'm sorry, little concubine." Sun Meili lowered her head.

Jiang Xiaofei smiled, "Beautiful, can you tell me why you left without saying a word? Just tell me if you want to leave."

This is also where Jiang Xiaofei is puzzled.

Sun Meili groaned without saying a word.

Sweetheart stroked her hair triumphantly, and said casually, "This, I know, maybe it's because I promised her to give her a down payment for a small house.

After all, there are not many generous bosses like me anymore, this... fat lady, do you want to come to our store too? "

"Thank you! No! I'm very happy at Leisure Residence now!" Su Xuanxuan firmly rejected Sweetheart.

Then she looked at Sun Meili with a foolish expression, and the down payment for a house was poached?

Not to mention how good the little concubine is to the two of them, the salary of Leuranju is also quite a lot! At the beginning, it may be very ordinary, but later Xiaofei sister gave them two transfers, plus commissions, they can get tens of thousands of yuan in good times, and tens of thousands in bad times. This salary is already very good. Some white-collar workers do not necessarily have these wages.

The down payment is good for a few years, just for this... Su Xuanxuan doesn't know if she is disappointed by Sun Meili's shortsightedness or what.

When Jiang Xiaofei heard this, she was also a little bit tongue-tied.

"Cough! This lady, can I take the liberty to ask, how much is Sun Meili's monthly salary?" Su Xuanxuan did not deny that she was curious, but she really had no other thoughts.

There is a play! Sweetheart was a little proud, "Beautiful, now the salary is 8,000 yuan a month! Plus the miscellaneous people should be able to get 10,000 yuan! How about it? Are you interested? If you are interested, you can come together." Sweetheart did not forget dig people.

Su Xuanxuan's mouth twitched, she didn't want to say anything, a big fool who lost watermelon and picked up sesame seeds!

"Is it for this reason?" Jiang Xiaofei asked Xiang Sun Meili.

Sun Meili clenched her fists and nodded.

"Okay, then you are officially resigning from Youranju today."

Jiang Xiaofei took out a stack of money from her bag and put it on the table.

"This is your salary for this month. Although you haven't finished it yet, I will pay you according to the whole month. The extra is a congratulatory gift for you. Work hard!" Jiang Xiaofei smiled.

Then leave gracefully.

Su Xuanxuan glanced at Sun Meili and followed Jiang Xiaofei away.

Sweetheart looked at the pile of money on the table, it was quite thick!

Some curious questions: "How much was your salary a month ago?"

How could the money be 20,000?

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