Just as Sweetheart was about to speak, she was interrupted by Jiang Xiaofei.

"I don't remember that I have a sister like you!" Jiang Xiaofei looked at Sweetheart speechlessly.

"You!" Sweetheart was blocked.

When she came out, she was also called people like this. Men called elder brothers and daughters elder sisters, and only those who were very young were called younger siblings. This was the first time I met someone who didn't know how to lift them up.

"Are you the boss?"


"That's right, I came here to taste the delicious food in your store, and share it with everyone, so as to increase the popularity of your store! I didn't expect..." Sweetheart pouted and pretended to be sad.

"I didn't expect this waiter to stop us!"

"Sister Xiaofei! I... I just told them that we are closed!" Sun Meili was a little flustered when she heard the words of the person opposite, and explained to Jiang Xiaofei.

"I didn't mean it! Sister Xiaofei!" Sun Meili lowered her head with tears in her eyes. She realized she might have done something wrong. I almost screwed up something so important to improve the reputation of the store.

Jiang Xiaofei looked at Sun Meili who was sad and ashamed, and then looked at the proud woman opposite, and put her hand around Sun Meili's shoulder.

"You're right! Our store is indeed closed!" Jiang Xiaofei reassured Sun Meili.

Sweetheart was smugly waiting for the woman opposite her to apologize to her, and then she begged herself to taste their food in a low voice, but she didn't expect that the woman on the other side would not take her seriously.

"Did you make a mistake! I'm here to help you!" Sweetheart couldn't hold back her sweet image, and shouted at Xiaofei Jiang angrily.

"I see, thank you! But our store is sold out today, please understand!" Jiang Xiaofei said to Sweetheart indifferently.

Listening to Jiang Xiaofei's firm voice, Sweetheart knew that it was not easy to handle today.

"Humph! I heard that the things in your store are very expensive. Maybe it's because I'm afraid. I'm also afraid that they will spend a lot of money and still can't get good food. Since you don't want it, forget it!" I was willing to let it go, and stabbed them.

"You are talking nonsense, we..." Sun Meili was just pure and not stupid. She also heard what this woman meant and wanted to defend herself.

Jiang Xiaofei pulled Sun Meili, who wanted to move forward with the theory.

"Don't worry about it, if you want to eat, please come early next time!" Jiang Xiaofei made a "please" gesture to her sweetheart.

"Humph! Don't regret it!" Sweetheart left angrily.

"Sister Xiaofei, I'm sorry!" Sun Meili said anxiously, grabbing the corner of her clothes.

"You did nothing wrong, but next time, pay attention to your speaking skills and adaptability!" Jiang Xiaofei said to Sun Meili's shoulder word by word.

If there is a mistake, it must be pointed out, and Jiang Xiaofei will tell her the problem with Sun Meili when she finds it.

"Thank you, Sister Xiaofei! I will definitely change it next time!" Sun Meili heard that Jiang Xiaofei didn't blame herself, and assured her with a smile.

At the same time, Sun Meili made up her mind that she must train herself a lot. In the future, she should handle this kind of thing well, and strive to be on her own to help Sister Concubine Jiang. In the near future, Concubine Jiang will also gain a general.

"Okay! Go and rest for a while too! I'll take a look here." Jiang Xiaofei touched Sun Mei's hair and said to her with a smile.

"Yeah! Thank you, Sister Xiaofei." Sun Meili thanked Jiang Xiaofei and went back to her room to rest.

Seeing the girl who left, Jiang Xiaofei smiled and shook her head, and went to work.

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