"In the future, your salary will increase to 10,000 yuan, and the commission you and the beauty before are all yours now. In addition, if you want to live, you can live in your leisurely residence. If you don't want to live, you can go home and do other things, as long as Just come over then.”

Jiang Xiaofei's conditions are very good and willful. Her time may not always be available, sometimes she may not have time for several months, and sometimes she will take a lot of time off for a month.

Su Xuanxuan's salary is generally similar to that of white-collar workers, or even less than those of them.

Of course she complied happily.

"Sister Xiaofei, I'm guarding the leisurely residence. I help with cleaning every day. If Xiaofei is free, I can make some things to live in or sell directly. I can sell it at your leisurely residence." Su Xuanxuan patted her chest and said.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaofei nodded and said nothing.


"The Legend of Youth" was filmed in the city next door to Jiangzhou, which is very close, so Jiang Xiaofei did not go early, but got up early the next day.

In the car, Jiang Xiaofei can also make up for sleep and rest.

"Little concubine, when you enter the crew, you must play a 12-point spirit. Don't listen to random messages, and you must control your words and deeds, or they may catch you and attack you."

Xie Jin chattered endlessly.

He still remembers what Mo Fenghua had done with Jiang Xiaofei before, but this time Jiang Xiaofei came to the door automatically and Xie Jin had to beware.

"Also... Forget it, I'll be with you on the set during this time." If he had anything to do, he would take more care.

After all, Xie Jin was still worried that Jiang Xiaofei would enter the tiger's mouth alone, and decided to accompany her, and by the way, have a good relationship with the crew.

"Brother Jin, hard work!" Jiang Xiaofei gave Xie Jin a serious bow, of course the kind that only moved her upper body.

"Okay, okay, look at the script again. I told Mr. Liu. If you have any questions about acting, you can ask him at any time. You can call him or send WeChat."

Xie Jin spent a lot of money and thought in order to have a good relationship with Teacher Liu. At this stage, people at this stage can no longer please them with money alone.

In order to get the calligraphy and painting that Mr. Liu liked, Xie Jin almost broke his leg, poured water and tea for others, and performed various actions. In the end, he spent a lot of money to get it.

The relationship with Teacher Liu is also getting better and better, and it is not in vain.

Sure enough, it was a big crew. It was really big and luxurious. Jiang Xiaofei observed it like a douchebag entering the city.

"Have you seen it? Indeed! You really don't have the chance to see such a luxurious cast and crew." Mo Fenghua walked behind Jiang Xiaofei at some point and sneered.

Now the two have torn their faces apart, and they have not done that on the face.

But anyway, as an actor, you should also pay attention to your own image. Outsiders seem to be whispering as if they have a good relationship.

"Senior Mo, who I have seen or seen, forgot that I went to the "Breakthrough" crew before, blame me, how would Senior Mo know if he didn't go." Isn't it just yin and yang weirdness, who doesn't? !

To be honest, the opening ceremony of "Breakthrough" is really not as strong and luxurious as others here. After all, the theme is different from this.

Mo Fenghua gave Jiang Xiaofei a cold look and left.

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