The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 968 Shen Qinghuan's Road to Revenge

From the last time Mo Fenghua went to Feng Dao with Jiang Xiaofei, and heard what she said, she knew that she already knew what she had done.

Speaking of which...the few people who can't be contacted must have contact with Jiang Xiaofei, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence? Moreover, Jiang Xiaofei's recent fashion resources are a bit too good, and many of them come from country F.

Country F? At that time, Mo Fenghua still had a fresh memory of the man held by those few people. That man was not simple, and he liked to walk in country F very much, although he didn't know where he was from.

How could Jiang Xiaofei, a young actress, have such great abilities?

The more Mo Fenghua thought about it, the more frightened it became. The only thing she could explain was the person behind her. Don't forget that she is now the person in charge of the Yanshi Group and the girlfriend of the second young master of the Xu family.

At that time, she felt that a woman who had been contaminated by others, someone like the second young master of the Xu family would definitely not be willing to continue holding her, but now Jiang Xiaofei is fine...

She is not afraid of Jiang Xiaofei, but she is afraid of Xu Yanxiu. She is eager to shrink back during this period of time. If something happens, she will naturally not be stupid.

Even Jiang Xiaofei's occasional small movements, Mo Fenghua can tolerate to a large extent.

This good temper is nothing like Mo Fenghua, Feng Dao is amazed.

Mo Fenghua's face turned blue, but for some reason, she didn't dare to say it, Jiang Xiaofei had a calm face and played with every inch.

Come on, if it goes on like this, there is no need to call it "The Legend of Youth", but simply "Shen Qinghuan's Road to Revenge".

After finishing the work in the morning, Feng Dao called Jiang Xiaofei over there.

"Miss Jiang, the director invites you to come over." Assistant Feng Dao gave Jiang Xiaofei a message.

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Jiang Xiaofei rolled her eyes and agreed very quickly.

After cleaning up a little, I went to the wind director's office.

"What did Feng Dao tell her to do?"

"Jiang Xiaofei is so amazing. Mo Fenghua doesn't dare to do anything to her now. Now that Jiang Xiaofei speaks, she doesn't dare to fart."

"Jiang Xiaofei is too bold."

"Mo Fenghua is also a little useless, so he doesn't dare to say anything. Wasn't he very good some time ago?"


The crew members are not blind. They are very clear about the lawsuits before and now. They are very gossipy. However, due to the operation of the crew to kill chickens and warn the monkeys, now they are safe and they only dare to speak secretly in the crew, and never dare to go out and say something. It's a mess.

They were also shocked by the fate of the staff member who disclosed the news of the crew earlier.

The crew really pursued his legal responsibility.

Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

Jiang Xiaofei knocked on the door and came in.

"Wind guide."

"Sit!" The wind guide pointed to the seat.

Jiang Xiaofei sat down slowly and looked at the person who asked her to come.

Feng Dao coughed a little uncomfortably when Jiang Xiaofei looked at him, "Xiaofei, it's been a long time since you've been in the filming crew, how do you feel?"

Feng Dao asked with a smile.

Jiang Xiaofei said honestly: "It's good, except for seeing some unsightly people in a bad mood every day, the rest are very good."

The person who gets in the way is naturally Mo XX, who has been grumbling with her for a long time.

Feng Dao may not have known it before, but now that Jiang Xiaofei is so obvious, he naturally understands.

A little embarrassed, "This is not something that can be solved in a short period of time. Besides, there are nine out of ten unhappy things in life, and you will encounter them everywhere. How do you feel about the recent filming?"

Boldly dragged it into the filming, this person didn't accept the move, so he could only make a move.

"Good luck!"

Wind guide: "..."

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