The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 984 Investment

In a light comedy movie, the heroine played by Jiang Xiaofei is a goddess with a good family background, good looks and good temperament... classics, narcissism, love to brag, but also willing to help others.

He was engaged by his father and mother, dissatisfied with being with a man he had never met all his life, ran away from home, went to a small restaurant, was left to wash the dishes because he had no money to eat Bawang's meal, and then triggered a series of stories.

There are some overhead meanings, after all, it is not common to be so free in ancient times, and the heroine still shows up? Can you all accept it?

When Jiang Xiaofei heard that the director felt that she must be his heroine, she was very happy even though she couldn't take the lead. There are not many directors as discerning as Director Qu.

She took over the script full of joy, she had made plans, even if she refused later, she would also be euphemistic.

I read the script, one eye, two eyes...

Jiang Xiaofei was thinking, the director must have taken a fancy to her appearance and temperament like the heroine inside! must!

The theme is very new! Although the logic is not smooth in some places, everything can be pushed to the overhead and can be ignored.

In all honesty, Jiang Xiaofei still likes this script. Another point is that the script is low cost and the shooting cycle is short. It is in a small restaurant with few venues.

Xie Jin also supports Jiang Xiaofei to take over. He still has vision. This script is very novel and has never appeared before. The roles in Jiang Xiaofei are full and excellent, and it will be a big improvement if she plays it well.

As for this director being a rookie director, Xie Jin can provide a little support for those who lack investment and talent.

"Brother Jin, I'll take it." Jiang Xiaofei patted the script on the table.

"Okay! I'll tell him right away, it's better to start the machine quickly and free up time. There will be several fashion shows in November, cough! Didn't you ask for compensation for mental damage at that time? There is a CC show in it. Catwalk spots, you need to prepare early."

Speaking of this Xie Jin's face is a bit abnormal.

Although the incident was safe in the end, and Jiang Xiaofei also 'extorted' a lot from it, she still felt a little frightened when she thought of it.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaofei nodded.

"The director is really a rookie director. I don't know if his technology is reliable. He only has a script, and he has no funds or anything. I will contact the company."

Xie Jin felt a little bit of a pain in his head. He didn't know whether Jiang Xiaofei's next film was right or wrong. Life is a big gamble. If you win the gamble, you can go to the sky in one step. If you lose, there is still capital to continue!

"Wait! Brother Jin, you said that Director Qu only has the script, and he is the person?" Jiang Xiaofei called to stop Xie Jin.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Xiaofei, the directors and assistant directors signed by our company are all very good. When the time comes, there will be people watching. If they don't work, they will be replaced. It won't hold you back. I believe in the matter of funds. People from the company will make decisions after reading the script.”

Xie Jin thought that Jiang Xiaofei thought the film was unreliable and wanted to regret it, so she discouraged and comforted her in time.

"Brother Jin, do you think I can invest by myself?" Jiang Xiaofei looked at Xie Jin with a smile.

When I heard what Xie Jin said just now, this thought popped into my mind.

Jiang Xiaofei likes this script very much. According to her short time in the industry, it is a very novel film and has great potential, so she has the idea of ​​​​investing by herself. It happens that this film lacks investment.

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