Everyone discussed it, but to no avail, what can I do about it, black material? There must be some people in that group of actors, but if it's not good, people are more willing, no matter if it's black or white, it's always hot!

The shameless group of "Dawn" can definitely do it!

The money was spent, but the waves were just a little bit. When it comes to "The Eve of the Show", everyone will think of "Dawn" as a wedding dress for others.

There is still a lot of publicity to follow, in addition to variety shows and short films arranged by the main actors, there are other things that need favor and money.

The director nodded and pondered for a long time, "In this way, all the promotions will be removed, except for the variety shows that have been arranged, all suspended, our drama is very good, I don't believe that no one will watch it!"

The director also held his breath. What did the director of "Dawn" say? There is no lower limit, otherwise how could he do those things? He doesn't believe in the dramas he made!

No matter how you promote it now, you are still making wedding dresses for others, and you are sulking yourself, so let's do this for now, and then we will all know when the drama is broadcast.

The director has confidence in his own play, and people naturally have confidence.

In this way, most of the publicity for "The Eve of the Show" was withdrawn, and the Internet suddenly calmed down.

It calmed down, but some continued, and Dawn continued to sing along.

"Hahahaha! The propaganda over "The Eve of the Showdown" has been withdrawn! There are quite a few there, I know they are not as good as us!"

"Let's continue! Step up the publicity, our dramas are well filmed, but it's not like some dramas are shameless to show!"

"Director, the female lead is very cooperative, and will buy hot searches by herself from time to time, but the male lead has always shied away and has not participated in any publicity."

"Don't care about him! Then focus on promoting the heroine!"

Gao He liked the script, and then there was a reason why he heard that Jiang Xiaofei should do it. Later, what the crew and director did, Gao He was very disappointed and had no illusions about it, so he directly rejected everything. publicity.

Although there are quite a few criticisms in the company, Gao He is really busy now, but they didn't force him, they are naturally very happy to make money for the company!

"Gao He, do you really plan not to participate in the publicity?" the agent asked him after hesitating for a long time.

Gao He flipped through the book and paused, "If you don't go, "Dawn" will be ruined, it's meaningless."

"No way, the company was also very optimistic about "Dawn" at the time, and it invested a lot, and you helped out." The agent also planned to take Gao He to the next level with this drama. After all, all of Gao He's masterpieces are ancient costumes. , this show is still blank.

Gao He sneered, "There are too many people, didn't you see it in the crew? The director is not like the director, and the actor is not like the actor." What kind of drama?

They all want to catch fire, but their actions are contrary to their goals, and they all use their time to dig into the camp.

"Hey~" The agent also remembered the situation of the crew at that time and sighed a little.

I didn't force him too much. If you don't want to go, don't go, because you're busy anyway.

"Dawn" and "The Eve of the Showdown" started broadcasting while "Dawn" was hyped.

Two TV series were broadcast at the same time, one on Apple TV and the other on Orange TV, both of which were prime time in the evening.

Or it could be said that Jiang Xiaofei fell in love with "Dawn" at a glance. The script of "Dawn" is really good. It may be that the director and the actors attached great importance to it at the beginning. The first and second episodes were also very exciting, and the audience was excited.

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