He didn't wrap it with Wuyan's breath anymore, because his energy was exactly the same as Dudu's. No matter how tightly wrapped it was, the other party might feel her presence immediately.

Seeing that Dad Dudu sat up from the bed first, stretched out his hand to check the breath of his subordinate, then sat quietly with his hands on his chest, and asked without a face: "You really don't plan to have a relationship with him?" Talk for a while or find out about him?"

"No need, anyway, you didn't occupy his body in front of you."

"When my strength is strong enough one day, it doesn't matter whether I have that body or not. But you, he is Dudu's father no matter what."

"That time was just an accident, and he didn't know about Dudu's existence. You know that I don't have any relationship with him. Saving his life is like thanking him for giving Dudu life."

"You don't want to know about ghosts?"

Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head: "Although I practice profound strength, I am not a member of their organization. Whether it is a temple or a ghost, I am not interested. With you by my side, no one will find out that I know profound strength .Once I find out one day, I believe I will have the ability to protect myself by then.

My idea is very simple, just take good care of Dudu, and then persuade my grandfather and elder brother to leave the Western Jin Dynasty and live a carefree life as a local tyrant. I don't have any ideas about Tianyu, temples or ghosts. "

"In that case, it's up to you."

After taking another look at Papa Dudu in the distant room, and making sure that he was fine, Lu Xiaoxiao quietly left.

It wasn't until she left that the person sitting on the bed raised his head and looked thoughtfully at her hiding place before, and then glanced at the elixir on the bedside table. Picking up the elixir without even smelling it, he put it directly into his mouth.

After a long time, the guard lying next to Papa Dudu also woke up. Sitting up clutching his chest that was still in severe pain, he glanced at his silent master in surprise, and said strangely: "Master, why is this subordinate not dead? Could it be that you have refined some heaven-defying elixir?" No?"

But no matter how against the sky, he knew that his internal organs had been completely shattered when he was slapped hard by the supreme mid-level Tianzun. What kind of heaven-defying pill could bring him back to life? And at this moment, he clearly felt that his internal organs were automatically repairing at an extremely fast speed.

The subordinate didn't give up without getting an answer from the master, and continued to ask: "Master, how...how did we escape? Didn't the three magic sticks catch you? Where's the dragon?"

In fact, he doesn't really talk much on weekdays, but the feeling of being put to death and reborn is so wonderful, so I can't help but want to be excited.

The man reached out and picked up a pill placed on the paper and handed it to him, without answering any questions, he said, "Eat this. Cough..."

Seeing his master clutching his chest, this subordinate quickly supported him, even if it affected his injury, he gritted his teeth: "Master, are you injured? How is the injury?"

The man shook his head: "No problem, take this pill quickly."

After listening to the master's words, the subordinate directly threw the elixir into his mouth, and immediately, a cool feeling spread all over his body, and the internal organs that were burned by the injury also felt much more comfortable in the coolness.

"My lord, when did you develop this magical medicine to repair injuries?"

In his memory, he knew how many pill prescriptions the master had, and he had never seen this kind of pill before. Seeing that there was still a whole bottle on the table, he whispered:

"With this kind of elixir that can repair even broken internal organs, I don't have to be afraid of anything in the future."

"It wasn't made by me, it was given by Lu Xiaoxiao."

"Princess?" Suddenly, this subordinate immediately took off the mask on his face.

"How long did she give it to you? Why doesn't this subordinate know? She actually knows how to refine such a heaven-defying pill? The grade of this pill is above the seventh rank, which is completely comparable to Tianyu's pill gone."

"It was given when we were seriously injured and unconscious." The man said, and at this moment he took off the mask on his face. At the same time that a magnificent face appeared in front of his eyes, the powerful aura in his body also instantly subsided.

If Lu Xiaoxiao was still here at this moment, she would have seen that the two people she rescued were the dead-faced paralyzed person she kept talking about, and the other was Ling Han, the chief executive of the Seventh Prince's Mansion who followed the deadly-faced face all day long!

Ling Han looked at his master, his eyes straightened.

"We were seriously injured and unconscious? Master, you are also seriously injured and unconscious? Then... who rescued us from those three magic sticks? The princess?"

But didn't the master just tell her before that the princess is only a martial artist? Even if she has profound strength, she can only be compared to a martial artist. Can a small martial artist fight against three supreme mid-level Tianzun? What is the situation?

"It should be her."

Ling Han looked at his master sadly, he found that his words were getting more and more difficult to understand now.

"Should? Didn't the lord see the princess?" Then how can you be sure that the person who saved you is the princess?

"No. When this king was about to kill the third Celestial Venerable, the Divine Venerable suddenly appeared. Not only did he sneak up on this king from behind, but he also killed him. The palm was so heavy that it directly hit the king's internal organs. Broken, he fell into a coma on the spot. This king only woke up a cup of tea earlier than you."

"..." Ling Han opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

Who can tell him what the Lord's words mean?

What he understood was that the almighty master of his family had already killed two Celestial Venerates before this, but when the third Celestial Venerable was killed, the Divine Venerable, the supreme peak god stick of Shenwu Sect appeared, and the Lord Seriously wounded to death. As a result, the princess not only snatched the Lord and him in front of the god, but also sent them here safely to recuperate from their injuries.


The three Heavenly Venerates of Shenwu Sect are all middle-level supreme, how did the master kill two god sticks who were much stronger than him with the strength of the elementary level of the supreme under the siege?

And the princess, how did she, a rookie at the level of a martial artist, save him and the lord under the hands of the gods?

Ow! Forgive him for being too old and not so smart, how can a weak woman who is comparable to a martial artist be compared to a god?

Do not make jokes!

"My lord, are you sure the one who saved us is the princess? Have you... seen the princess?"

After a long time, Nangong Jin said, "I didn't see it, but... the king is sure."

"……"All right! He will never refute or doubt the things that the master decides and confirms.

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