Seeing Ming Fang graciously handing Lu Xiaoxiao buns, fried dough sticks, paper, and water, Tu Tu was extremely envious and at the same time cast a hostile look at Ming Fang.

There are so many annoying people around my sister! After waking up yesterday, an annoying ghost named Wuyan appeared, today that person named Nangong Jin appeared, and now another ugly ghost named Ming Fang appeared.

He doesn't like these three people!

They all came to snatch his sister from him!

The sister is his! It's his alone!

"I also want to help my sister take care of the shop!"

Lu Xiaoxiao, who was drinking soy milk, couldn't hold back, and suddenly sprayed the soy milk from her nose and mouth, causing her to cough violently, which showed that she was quite frightened by someone's words.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was choking on her own words like this, Tu Tu didn't even think about it, and was about to rush out to give her sister some comfort, and almost stepped out of the space, but was bounced back by a white barrier.

"Damn it, what did you seal me up for?" Tu Tu was angry, and he dodged to a mountain peak nearly a thousand meters high, his whole body suspended in the air, glaring at the tall and powerful master of space.

"You can't go out." Wuyan said lightly.

"Why? My sister is choking and coughing. I'm going to give my sister some relief!"

"There is no reason, if you can't, you can't!"

Tu Tu was annoyed by this super good-looking, even prettier, super annoying ghost in front of him, his chest heaved violently for a long while, and because he couldn't do anything to him, he finally gave up.


He sprayed Wuyan fiercely with the dragon's breath, but the stormy, devastating dragon's breath disappeared without a trace when it was about to hit the opponent, not even a gust of wind blew up.

Seeing this, Tu Tu really realized one thing, in this not-so-nice space, it's only what the bastard said. The bastard disagreed, and it was useless even if he groaned.

Pouting his mouth and staring at Wuyan for a long while, he made sure that he had repeatedly killed the annoying ghost in front of him a hundred times with his eyes, and then went down the mountain angrily.

My sister has calmed down under the care of Ming Fang, and she no longer coughs. Tu Tu pouted pitifully, curled up beside the fountain of life, and dared not say a word. I was afraid that if I spoke, I would choke my sister again.

"Young master, you can come to the shop to have breakfast in the future."

"No, I may eat at home in the morning, and I may not have time to come every day, so you don't have to wait for me. After we finish decorating the shop, you can just guard the shop on weekdays and do whatever you want All right, just be careful."

Ming Fang nodded: "Thank you son, I will be careful. The guards around me are dead, and I have nothing else to do here. The most I can do is to practice kung fu after I fully recover. I guess people like me People without talent will never even think about taking revenge for the rest of their lives. Thanks to your son, give me a place to live, and let me have food and shelter."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said, "So please don't worry, my lord. I will definitely watch over your property conscientiously. Since I chose to endure the humiliation and survive, I won't be decadent."

Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Ming Fang wanted to take revenge crazily, but wanting to take revenge with the way he was being chased and killed now was simply a dream.

So now he can stay in a relatively safe place with peace of mind. Lu Xiaoxiao is also very happy for him.

"It's best for you to think this way. In fact, there is a definite number in the world. It belongs to you, and you can't escape it. If it's not yours, you can't get it anyway. Why not live in the present? Who knows that in the near future Will there be another village in the future where there will be no way out and no way out?"

Lu Xiaoxiao's words drew Ming Fang's sideways glances.

"Young master is really talented. Not only is his martial arts superb, but also his eloquence is perfect. There is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. There is another village. It is a good word for the young master."

"Hehe." Lu Xiaoxiao smirked foolishly, and then walked over.

"The young master is so talented, he must be an elegant person. I don't know what kind of shop the young master wants to open here?"

"..." Faced with such a raised question from Ming Fang, Lu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, but was unable to speak for a long time.

Ming Fang smiled, and guessed: "I went shopping around here this morning. It is very close to Jingxing Auction House, so I guess you are selling something similar to Jingxing Auction House. Shop around, Maybe the young master’s stuff is even better than theirs!”

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was still silent, Ming Fang became even more interested: "Sir, if you don't say anything, is it something even rarer than rare treasures?"

He had no doubts that Lu Xiaoxiao was a genius with a slanted sword, so he would never guess about ordinary things.

"Ahem..." Lu Xiaoxiao coughed twice in embarrassment, and replied, "I'm selling pills."

Ming Fang's eyes lit up, and he praised: "I didn't expect you to be a great alchemist! No wonder my injury healed so quickly. There are very few alchemists in the Antarctic continent. Business is booming."

"Hahaha..." Lu Xiaoxiao laughed dryly a few times, as if she agreed.

Ming Fang was still interested at first, and wanted to ask Lu Xiaoxiao what kind of pills she was going to sell, but seeing her unwillingness to say any more, he finally chose to shut up.

After breakfast, the decoration and design of the pavement began. Ming Fang was afraid that Lu Xiaoxiao would be busy, so he asked her to tell him the decoration plan, and he would be responsible for decorating the shop.

Then Lu Xiaoxiao began to write and draw at her desk.

When Lu Xiaoxiao showed Ming Fang the slogan on the wall, she clearly saw that Ming Fang's entire face and eyebrows were cramping, and even the tendons in his temples were protruding, jumping happily.

And since then she found that Ming Fang was not looking at her right.

She believes that Ming Fang must be a noble son who has received an orthodox education. Let him suddenly accept the things she sells, take care of the store, and engage in publicity. This, this... This is really harder than letting him die Bar?

Seeing Ming Fang whose face was always blushing abnormally, Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to comfort her a few times, but she gave up after thinking about it.

Even a big man is embarrassed, why is she as a woman going to persuade her? And what is she trying to persuade? Persuading his buddies to open something, not to let you sell it! It's just for you to sell pills!

cough cough...

Anyway, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she felt embarrassed.

"Is anyone here?"

Just when Ming Fang was so embarrassed that his whole face was on fire, a woman's voice sounded outside the door.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked around, only to see a woman leading the way, leading a man and three other women in.

It is strange that these four women look exactly the same, quadruplets! And from Lu Xiaoxiao's point of view, they were pretty good-looking quadruplets.

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