The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 1246 [Fan] Prenatal Education! accompany reading!

"Understood, Dad, you have told me many times."

"I won't worry if I say it a hundred times."

Dudu: ... -_-#

"Xiaowen, you and Sister Bai will stay with your father and the Ninth Elder for the time being. If you want to find brother Xiaoli after the face saint, you are welcome here at any time."

"I know godfather."

"By the way, dad, quickly release Xiao Zi, Barton and Huo'er, they have been locked up by you for a day."

Hearing this, Nangong Jin released the three little guys who had received the soul.

After Xiaozi, Barton and Huo'er swayed around the room at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, they went outside for a big circle, until Nangong Jin called, and the three excited little guys jumped up and down. return.

Looking at two stupid and cute ones who are fatter than one and one little circle who is seriously ill with the princess, Nangong Jin earnestly said: "This seat is not here for two days, you three have to cooperate well and take care of your wife, do you know?" ? If you take care of it well, you will have chickens to eat when you come back. If you don’t take care of it well, then the three of you will be locked up in a dark room for a month without eating anything.”

The three idiots were so frightened that they blew their fur and nodded quickly.

Yan Wang stood behind the crowd, sighing in his heart.

Nanji Xianjun is not a person who talks a lot, on the contrary, he used to talk very little. If you can solve it with one word, you will definitely not say two words.

Are all the changes now because of Lu Xiaoxiao?

"Don't worry Xianjun, the Palace of the King of Hades is safe, and the officials will do their best to take care of Xiaoxiao."

Lu Xiaoxiao finally couldn't take it anymore: "Other than Hades, who is my opponent here? What's more, I have never made enemies before, and I just returned to the Heavenly Court, so why are there so many worries?

Besides, even when you were not by my side, when I faced the enemy alone, didn't you have full confidence in me? Well, don't worry, hurry up. Everyone has to hurry up and go back to their respective homes. "

"Okay, then I'm leaving, be good."


Nangong Jin turned her head three times at a step, and after leaving with all kinds of worries, Dudu and the three playful idiots had already flashed into the yard to play hide-and-seek. The rest of Yan Wang and Lu Xiaoxiao looked at each other in pairs, very embarrassed.

Just as Yan Wang was about to find something to say, a cloud of extremely evil black mist suddenly surrounded him.

He had never been in contact with such an evil black mist before, his eyes froze instantly, he raised a barrier, and quickly protected Lu Xiaoxiao behind him.

When the person in the black mist appeared in front of Hades, he felt that his entire outlook on life had been subverted.

"Devil... Devil Emperor Chiyan!" Yan Wang stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes.

Every god will enter the "Character History" of the heavenly court, so that every immortal in the heavenly court can learn and know people. Of course, there will be all the demon gods in the demon world in "Character History", and it was to make all the gods take precautions against these demon gods.

When Chi Yan was the devil emperor, no one in the fairy world did not know him. Now that he has become the son-in-law of the emperor of heaven, he is even more well-known.

It's just that the King of Hades never imagined that the majestic Demon Emperor would appear in his little palace of the King of Hades one day.

"He is not Chi Yan, he is Chi Yang, the son of Chi Yan and Yun Yue."

Lu Xiaoxiao was moved by Yan Wang's subconscious action of protecting her, and explained with a smile.

"It turns out to be the young master of the demon world, what a disrespect! The young master and your father seemed to be carved out of the same mold. I am really sorry that I didn't see it the next time. His father's demeanor will definitely be the new overlord of the demon world in the future, and the green is better than the blue, ah ha ha ha..."

Lu Xiaoxiao and Chi Yang didn't know how to react to Hades who automatically entered the flattering mode, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

It wasn't until Hades realized that he was flattering again, so he stopped laughing and asked in embarrassment, "I don't know what the young master is doing in the Palace of Hades?"

"This is Hades." Lu Xiaoxiao introduced.


"Uh... hello, hello, hello!" Unexpectedly, the young master was so polite, Yan Wang was slightly taken aback.

"This young master is here to give my future daughter-in-law prenatal education and tell stories."

After all, Chi Yang raised the six children's books in his hand, walked around the messy Hades and came to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Godmother, do you have time now? If you have time, let's start now? "

Lu Xiaoxiao supported her forehead speechlessly: "It's my first day in heaven today, can't you give the godmother some time to breathe?"

"Uh? Is the godmother still busy? What are you busy with? I'll help you!"

Lu Xiaoxiao waved her hands with a headache: "It's nothing, it's nothing, you go ahead and talk about it quickly."

"Hey, that's great!"

After all, Chi Yang thoughtfully helped Lu Xiaoxiao sit down on the most comfortable chair, then smiled and said to Lu Xiaoxiao's stomach: "Nuan Nuan, it's time to tell stories again, brother Yang told you today The first story is "The Wolf and the Lamb".

One day, the wolf came to the stream and saw a lamb drinking water. He was overjoyed: now you don't have to worry about dinner, just thinking about it makes people drool! So the wolf pretended to be angry at the lamb and said, "You have polluted my drinking water!" ’…”

Godmother? warm? Future daughter-in-law? Do prenatal education?

Yan Wang felt that his outlook on life had been completely refreshed by Lu Pan from their Yan Wang Palace.

My God!

This Lu Xiaoxiao came back after wandering around in the mortal world, not only found a Nanji fairy to be her husband, but also found a young master of the devil world to be her son-in-law!


Not to mention the small judges in the Hades Palace, even everyone in the Heavenly Court, who would dare to bully Lu Xiaoxiao in the future?

Yan Wang stood in the room foolishly by himself, and the young master of the Demon Realm read to his future daughter-in-law very seriously, even with eloquence and emotion. Yan Wang felt that he was completely redundant, so he retreated from the room with a wink.

As soon as she came out, she ran into a man with phoenix eyes raised up, who clearly looked like a peach blossom, extremely charming, naturally charming, extremely lazy, but who dressed himself meticulously.

"Feng..." Yan Wang just wanted to call the other party Prince Feng, but when he felt that the breath on the other party was not right, he was much weaker than Prince Feng. Thinking about the person inside again, he hurriedly bowed and said: "The next official, King Hades, has seen Feng Xiaoshi."

Feng Shengxuan looked at Yan Wang extremely charmingly, a beautiful and bright smile rose from the corner of his lips, and he said lightly, "Excuse me."

What a nice voice!

Even as a bad old man, he couldn't help but feel his bones crumble when he heard this voice, let alone those little girls in Tianting.

It seems that in the near future, two big figures who can stir up the situation in the world of immortals and demons will appear again in the world!

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