The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 125 You are covered with flowers

It took less than a cup of tea to talk to Dahonghua, and Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her face was about to bruise.

It's not that she doesn't believe in the pie falling from the sky, but that although there is nothing wrong with what the man in front of her said, she just finds it totally unbelievable.

Pressing the twitching eyebrows, Lu Xiaoxiao said: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm a married woman, and I already have a child. It's a son, just born."


Dahonghua let out a strange cry of extreme disappointment, and said after a long time: "You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you! Do I have to lie to you?"

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao really didn't seem to be joking, Dahonghua continued to ask: "Then... are you going to make up?"


The sound of people falling to the ground came from the house.

"Don't say you didn't plan! How can a woman who just gave birth come out to do these things? If you are my son's woman, I will pamper, spoil and raise you well, and I will never let you She ran out to show her face and opened a shop when she had just given birth to a child."

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao looked at him without saying a word, Dahonghua made a decision: "It's such a happy decision, you go home and leave quickly, and then we will live together. You can bring the child or not. In short, I have It's yours now, and I accept your child!"

Lu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, but was unable to speak again. He reached out and touched his face, and then touched it again.

"What are you touching?" Big Red Flower asked suspiciously.

"I'm feeling if a flower has grown on my face."

"..." Dahonghua didn't want to understand: "Why?"

"Otherwise why do you like me so much?"

Everyone: "..."

Only Dahonghua showed a flattering smile: "Of course, let alone your face, your whole body is covered with flowers, and I like them all!"

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Dahonghua deeply, and Dahonghua smiled.

Looking at it deeply again, the big red flower is still smiling and trembling.

Finally, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Suddenly, there was a seductive smile on the brows of Pian Pianzhuo, the son of the aristocratic family.

Then Lu Xiaoxiao put the deed of selling the big red flower on the table into her pocket, walked into the back room, and didn't know what she was doing inside, but she just walked out again, but she was holding two big red flowers in her hand. pot lid.

Dahonghua blinked her eyes, thinking that the little lady was going to play some games with him, so she stood there calmly, smiling alluringly and flatteringly.

However, Lu Xiaoxiao walked straight away from him, came to the gate, and then held up two pot lids and knocked vigorously continuously.

A loud and piercing noise came from the door, and Dahonghua couldn't help but walked out curiously. Ming Fang was afraid that his... miss would suffer, so he also followed. Seeing this, the four maidservants walked to the door with the help of the injured sister.

The knocking sound quickly attracted the attention of the neighbors and passers-by, and they all stopped.

"Neighbors in the neighborhood, uncles, aunts, uncles, aunts, everyone, come and judge, come and judge!"

Suddenly, Lu Xiaoxiao yelled loudly, instantly attracting the stopped crowd, forming a circle around her.

"I bought a store yesterday, and I paid the money with the boss and delivered the goods. Now I have both the house deed and the land deed. I even went to apply for the government's record after I bought the store yesterday. When I was discussing the decoration plan with my guy, such a group of people came in."

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao knocked on the two pot lids again, then jumped away, revealing the big red flower behind her.

"Look, everyone, it's him!" In order to highlight the big red flower, he knocked on the pot lid a few more times.

"And these four women behind him! Quadruplet women!" Clap, clap, and the lid of the pot again.

"These four women are his maidservants. Just now they rushed in and slapped a silver ticket on my desk, saying that this shop was their young master's fancy yesterday, and let me and my guy leave with a quilt." Pop, there was another sound of the pot lid.

However, just these few words have completely aroused the anger of neighbors and passers-by in the neighborhood, accusing Dahonghua of being such a person.

"Oh my god! God is going to kill me! Pity me, a commoner, and a rookie with no inner strength. In order to survive, I finally sold my ancestral house to buy this shop, and I will rely on this shop for a while." The small days of my son’s life, who would have thought that such a wave of great powers would come today, rushing into my house and trying to drive me out——” There was another crackling of the pot lid.

At this moment, the people were angry. From the previous accusations to swearing.

Clap, clap, another sound of the pot lid, the scolding stopped, and Lu Xiaoxiao cried again and shouted for grievance: "Although a villain has no money or power, a villain also has dignity, how could he agree to such a trample on dignity?" What? Even if we poor people don’t deserve dignity, villains still have to survive! What’s the difference between driving me out of my shop and killing me when you bully others like this? Tell me, what’s the difference?”

The common people were elated, they never expected that such forced prostitution, forced buying and selling could happen in the area under the jurisdiction of the Fang family under the emperor's feet! More and more people gathered around, and the voice of attack became louder, and the entire road leading to Jingxing Auction House was blocked.

Crackling, the sound of the pot lid ringing again.

"Killing people is nothing but nods, so the villain would rather die than obey, and vowed to live and die with my shop. But the four maidservants of this big red flower turned out to be masters of martial arts. Sword cut me. I reasoned with them, they not only refused to listen, but also made me kneel down and apologize to this big red flower! Said that I don’t know how awesome this big red flower is, and said that ordinary people like me are Absolutely can't afford to offend this big red flower!"

Papapa, without giving the crowd a chance to vent their anger, they slapped the pot lid again and said:

"Everyone in the neighborhood, folks and elders, you are stupid, come and tell me, who is this big red flower? Is he the god of the Shenwumen? Is he the god of the Shenwumen? He is the official of the Shenwumen Is he the emperor? Is he the Seventh Emperor? Is he the royal relative?

even if! Why did he drive me, the righteous master, out of his house? even if! Don't we poor people even have the right to live? "

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao walked up to Dahonghua and shouted: "Dahonghua, tell me who you are in front of all the people in Nanzhao right now? If you are really a member of the royal family or the government , or from Shenwumen, from the Fang family, from the Anyang family, then I will admit it!

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