The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 127 Your whole family is a stupid dragon

See you bastard!

"Everyone from the Shenwumen, all the folks and elders, he just whispered in my ear and threatened me that he would not let me go. Everyone must remember him, and these four maidservants beside him! If one day the villain Suffering an accident, disappearing suddenly, and disappearing from the world, these people must be responsible for it!"

After all, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled provocatively at Gong Lichen where the common people could not see.

Seeing this, Gong Lichen shook his head with a smile, and was taken away by the people of Shenwumen.

Fang Pengkun walked last, came to Lu Xiaoxiao's side and said, "Brother Xiao, don't worry, you have a brother here to protect you, whoever he is, can he really occupy your shop?"

"Thank you, Big Brother Fang, for helping me out. I'm very grateful to my little brother."

Seeing the big red flower swaying in the wind and going farther and farther until it disappeared, Lu Xiaoxiao turned back to the house.

At this moment, Ming Fang's admiration for Lu Xiaoxiao can no longer be described as a continuous river.

"Disciple pays respects to master, begging master to accept me as disciple!"


Unexpectedly, the first thing after entering the house was that Ming Fangbai couldn't live in front of her, Lu Xiaoxiao was a little helpless.

"Master not only has high martial arts skills, but also knows how to make alchemy, and... also... In short, my disciple's reverence for Master is beyond words. I only hope that Master can serve disciples, even if they don't hand in martial arts, let disciples call you." Master."

Today, I saw Lu Xiaoxiao's four-two-handed style of play, and he suddenly became enlightened in an instant. At this moment, he realized that the reason why he lost so badly in the past was because he was too orthodox and rigid in his actions.

In the past, he looked down on those who were shameless and manipulative, but at this moment, he was full of admiration and respect for Lu Xiaoxiao.

In a word, if you don't accept me as an apprentice, I will kneel and die here.

Finally, Lu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to accept this cheap apprentice.

Really cheap apprentice!

Because once this apprentice is accepted, Ming Fang will be hers in the future. No matter what kind of blood feud Ming Fang has, she, as a master, cannot stand by and watch.

And the reason why she agreed to accept him as an apprentice was mainly because when Gong Lichen's maid wanted to kill her, Ming Fang leaned forward regardless of her own danger.

If it weren't for Gong Lichen's sudden attack, even if he couldn't save her with his previous pounce, he would have gone to hell with her in the end.

Although I haven't been in contact with Ming Fang for a long time, and I don't even know who he is, but people treat me with heart, and I will treat him with heart.

Ming Fang this older apprentice, she accepts it!

When Lu Xiaoxiao made a spoof about the big red flower before, Tu Tu laughed so hard in the space that he was so happy. Seeing that an ugly ghost can even worship his sister now, Tu Tu felt that his joy gave way to sadness, and he became listless again.

I don't know if my sister knows that the real face of this ugly monster is actually not that ugly?

If my sister found out, she would definitely look at him differently. Tu Tu decided not to tell her sister even if she was beaten to death, the ugly apprentice in front of her was actually not bad.

All kinds of depressed Tutu suddenly came to the edge of the lake, then stretched his head to the water, observed carefully, and murmured to compare the advantages between himself and Nangong Jin, himself and Ugly, and himself and Dahonghua.

As for the annoying ghost above a thousand meters, he doesn't want to compare. That bastard is so annoying, and he doesn't care about my sister at all, my sister will definitely not like him.

In the end, after a lot of comparisons, Tu Tu was delighted to find that he was the best-looking one among so many people!

Except for the nasty ones. Because he has never compared it, he doesn't know!


After successfully worshiping Lu Xiaoxiao as his teacher, Ming Fang, who was blushing and had no brow twitches when he saw those advertisements, suddenly seemed to have figured something out.

Today's event may be very common for Lu Xiaoxiao, the eldest sister of the largest mafia in Asia with her rogue and strength, but for Ming Fang, it is to emancipate the mind and enlighten the mind. In the end, it became the cornerstone of an all-powerful master.

Facing the advertising slogan that he once thought was shameless, terrifying, and unlimited, Ming Fang suddenly felt that his master was definitely a genius in business. Even if he can't become a master in martial arts, he can at least become a wealthy family.

Just relying on her slogan is enough!

But Lu Xiaoxiao and Ming Fang's moods at the moment are very different.

When Ming Fang was drawing the decoration plan according to Lu Xiaoxiao's instruction, Lu Xiaoxiao's whole mind had already been put on this shop.

If Dahonghua is not Nangong Jin's enemy, then it must be because there are treasures in this shop, so she would rather sell herself.

For this point, Wuyan also quite agrees.

So, when Ming Fang was working hard, Lu Xiaoxiao had already brought a group of friends into the back room. Wuyan, Tu Tu, and Barton each unfolded their spiritual senses in their own domains, and began to conduct an overwhelming triple scan of the shop.

Scanned again, found nothing.

Twice, still nothing.

Three times, still not found.

Lu Xiaoxiao is depressed!

Sitting on the chair blankly, the whole consciousness has entered the space.

"No! Impossible! It's unscientific!" Lu Xiaoxiao was depressed.

"If he is Nangong Jin's enemy, he should know that Nangong Jin and I have no relationship between men and women. My Dudu family is the child of another man. As a dignified Seventh Emperor Uncle, how can he treat me so well? He A Supreme, instead of being bored with me, it’s better to just fuck and find Nangong Jin to tear him apart. Even if he wants to find him, he should find Hua Yixiang instead of me."

Wuyan nodded.

"So he ordered the maid to buy this shop, it must be because of the weirdness of this shop, otherwise he is so dignified, he wouldn't be bought because of a bad shop, and just watch his maid stare at others like this. Are you going to fight or kill?"

This time, Lu Xiaoxiao's words did not attract Wuyan's approval, but Tu Tu spoke instead.

"Sister, he didn't say he was interested in the shop, I think he is interested in you. Don't be deceived by him!"

Facing Tu Tu who was filled with righteous indignation, Lu Xiaoxiao could only rub his head lovingly. Just such a movement caused Tu Tu to almost do somersaults in the air.

Wuyan was silent for a while, and finally spoke quietly.

"This time, the stupid dragon made sense."

"Who is a stupid dragon? You are a stupid dragon! Your whole family is a stupid dragon!" Tu Tu was unhappy again. He was better-looking, stronger than him, and even his mouth was more poisonous than him!

Facing Wuyan, Tu Tu's displeasure and slight frustration were revealed through the pores of his whole body.

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