The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 1299 [Fan] Why don't you get married

dear daughter...

Feng Shengxuan was also drunk.

"Okay, okay, I just want to remind you. I just want to play Missy you. If you really want to make your future love road become extremely bumpy because of this, then I will really be a sinner." gone."

After Xiao Nuannuan felt Chiyang's warm embrace, she subconsciously raised her head in his embrace to seek a sense of security, and there was a soft light in Chiyang's eyes.

Leaning Nuan Nuan in her arms, there is a faint, warm air flow all over her body, making Nuan Nuan feel that the air around her is warm and comfortable. I couldn't help showing a big smile in my sleep.

"This little guy can laugh even when he's asleep, so cute."

"Nonsense!" Chi Yang said tremblingly, "This is my sister!"

Although it is impossible for Nuan Nuan to be his wife, he has no brothers and sisters, and what he wants most is his sister. Now that he had such a lovely younger sister, it was beyond his expectation.

He will take good care of her for the rest of her life.

In the future, if any brat dares to take advantage of his sister, he must pass this test. If he doesn't let the other party lose his skin, he won't be called Chi Yang.

"You just have to piss! It's amazing, don't forget that this is also my sister!" Feng Shengxuan said sourly.

"Tch~ Your sister and fiancee are Bailiyue, don't think about my sister."

As soon as Bailiyue was mentioned, Feng Shengxuan lost all energy.

"I said, adults are like this, as my younger brother and good buddy, do you want to do the same?"

Chi Yang took a look at Feng Shengxuan, and warned, "What's wrong with Yue'er? When you were young, you liked her so much, you treated her like a princess, and spent all your time with her, you didn't hesitate to spend time with her for her. The three cousins ​​and brother-in-laws fought.

What's the matter now? You only admit that she is your sister? Feng Shengxuan, I made a ugliness at the beginning, if you dare to betray the water, the two men from the Baili family, including my uncle and your parents, will not skin you, and I, Chiyang, will take your surname. "

Feng Shengxuan sighed, his whole body became ill in an instant.

"I used to be so young, how could I know so many things? Yue'er is the only girl among our children. I can't play with those brats from Baili's family instead of playing with her." Yue'er is indeed much better than those brats who always treat me fiercely and slander me.

And I still like Yueer very much! But that's only limited to liking to play with her, which is completely different from the feeling of sharing the same bed between men and women, okay? "

Chi Yang hugged Nuan Nuan, his eyes were full of soft light. He didn't take Feng Shengxuan's troubles to heart at all.

"It's useless for you to tell me these things. If you have the guts, go tell the cousins ​​of Baili's family, or go and tell your uncle and uncle. You are talking about it in front of me, and even if I It's useless to understand you."

Feng Shengxuan glanced at Chi Yang depressedly: "I said, can't you ask my mother-in-law to help me? Let her tell my mother about it, maybe they won't treat me like this. Yue'er is bound together."

Chi Yang looked at Feng Shengxuan with an expression of looking at a monster, and it took a long time before he said: "Let me tell my mother, of course it's okay."

"Really? Brother, I knew you were the best!" Feng Shengxuan's whole body was about to become erratic.

However, after Chi Yang finished speaking, he immediately turned around and said one more sentence——

"If you are not afraid of being cheated to death by my mother!"

Feng Shengxuan: ... -_-#

"Hey, have you noticed that my mother and my father are very active today?"

"Huh? What?"

Feng Shengxuan was still immersed in his own little world, and didn't react for a while.

"Look at my godmother's accident, my mother's faceless person suddenly appeared with my father, and prepared a pill. Don't you think my mother is very active?"

"After all, human life is at stake."

"Human life is at stake. She can also directly send someone to deliver the elixir. Is it necessary to come in person? And the most important thing is that she cheated my godfather and godmother. According to my mother's ostrich personality, if she didn't owe my godfather to do it There are too many mothers, can she come in person? Can she still be so flattering? My father can still allow her to flatter my godfather?"

"you mean……"

"Maybe it's my mother who caused my godmother to become like this."

Feng Shengxuan: ...

"So you still dare to let me tell my mother about this, and then ask my mother to go to my aunt to understand it and move her with reason?"

Feng Shengxuan: ...

"Brother, it's not that I look down on my mother. In fact, you also know how I got here in the past few years. Although I can't promise you anything else about you and Yue'er, I can assure you that although you are now These elders bound you and Yue'er, but at least they didn't force you to marry, and Yue'er hasn't said she wants to marry you. She just likes you and admires you. But once my mother runs to your mother to find out Li... brother, you are not far from the grave of marriage."


Feng Shengxuan was silent for a while, then murmured: "Chiyang."


"Why do you think your mother is such a fool?"

Chi Yang sneered: "It's as if your mother is not cheating."

Feng Shengxuan was silent.

That's right, it's been a scam since the grandfather, and then passed down, whether it's her mother or Chi Yang's mother, the two sisters are not the worst but worse.

In addition, both of them married a man with a darker belly than the other, so he and the Chiyang brothers grew up in this kind of family atmosphere where death is not rewarded.

So the two of them always play together like conjoined twins. They really don't join hands, cooperate, and communicate with each other. They simply can't survive in such a big family!

"Then what do you think I should do?" Feng Shengxuan asked.

"You really don't like Yue'er? Actually, I think you are very kind to Yue'er, and it's from the bottom of your heart."

"She is my cousin, of course I treat her well. I also like her very much, but this kind of liking is not love."

"How do you know it's not love? Maybe you get married, sleep together, and you fall in love."

Feng Shengxuan was depressed, and shouted angrily: "Why don't you go to get married? Why don't you go to sleep with a woman? Maybe you go to get married and sleep with someone else, and you will fall in love with it!"

Chi Yang frowned, and said in displeasure: "Feng Shengxuan, can't you keep your voice down? My Nuan Nuan is a little lady, I warn you, don't yell in front of her in the future. What a shame! ah!"

Feng Shengxuan: ...! !

"You have to be fooled!"

Feng Shengxuan's angry words made the corners of Chi Yang's lips rise: "Of course I'm terrified. At least my parents gave me a time limit until Nuan Nuan was five years old. When Nuan Nuan was five years old, I lifted this Neither my parents nor my godfather will blame me for the marriage contract. At that time, Nuannuan was still young and didn't understand anything."

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