The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 1323 [Fan] Feng Ling admits his mistake

Feng Ling fiercely came out of Long Jue's arms, shook his head pitifully, cried like rain, under Hong Lang's attack, he was almost so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Enough!" Long Absolutely yelled at Hong Lang angrily: "I know what kind of girl Feng Ling is, after all, I watched her grow up, not you. I know her better than you! "

Looking at Long Jue's appearance, Hong Lang couldn't help shaking his head.

"Forget it, anyway, you are not my friend, nor my brother, you are just my enemy's subordinate, it is none of my business what you do."

After all, he said to Feng Ling: "Let's go, Fairy Feng Ling, the Emperor of Heaven is still waiting for you in the Yunxiao Palace."

Feng Ling looked at Long Jue reluctantly, and Long Jue couldn't help asking: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Feng Ling shook his head: "No need. I will take responsibility for what I did wrong. Thank you, Brother Long Jue."

"Tsk tsk, are you kind when you are about to die?"

Looking at Feng Ling with the huge contrast between the front and back, Hong Lang subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he had to give up.

After Feng Ling was taken away by Hong Lang, Long Jue quickly took out a pen and paper, and wrote on it a letter that his benefactor and lover had accidents and could no longer face anyone, so he voluntarily resigned from the post of General and left the Heavenly Court . Then he left the heaven as fast as he could and headed towards the vast universe.

When Hong Lang brought Feng Ling to Yunxiao Palace, Feng Zhenwei had been bound by a cloud of black mist and fell to the ground.

Seeing Feng Ling being taken, Feng Zhenwei was in a bad mood, begging for mercy desperately:

"Emperor Heaven, this matter really has nothing to do with Fengling! It's all the fault of the subordinates, it's the subordinates who hold a grudge, that's why they went to kill Lu Xiaoxiao!"

"Feng Zhenwei, my father has already read all the things in the mnemonic, and you still want to argue? You brought Feng Ling here not to make her argue, but to make her accept punishment directly."

Feng Zhenwei shook his head vigorously: "No, Princess Yunyue! This is not the case! It really has nothing to do with Feng Ling! What I said to Lu Xiaoxiao before was just an angry word, Feng Ling is a kind girl How could she ask me to kill Lu Xiaoxiao when she knew that Lu Xiaoxiao was pregnant?"

Yun Yue sneered: "Yes, yes, she is really kind. She used me as a friend to try to hook up with men. On the surface, she looked like a good sister, but secretly called me stupid and sweet, saying that my mother would not lay eggs Hen. I still feel that I should be worthy of the prince of heaven. Feng Zhenwei, you father and daughter are not good people, and Feng Ling is even better than blue.

Today I will help my son to put the words first, the rules of heaven will not kill you father and daughter, and the rules of my devil world will also prevent you from rebirth forever. "

Yun Yue is a person who seldom gets ruthless, but once she gets ruthless, she will never be soft-hearted.

Emperor Yuntian's complexion at this moment can no longer be described as ugly, and the big bosses of the Heavenly Court who were invited to listen to the case are all complexioned.

No one would have thought that Feng Zhenwei and Feng Ling could do such a thing, let alone that they are so disgusting in their daily life.

Feng Ling already knew that there was no escape from this matter, so he entered the Yunxiao Palace, and after hearing what his father and Yunyue had said, he knelt down without saying a word, kowtowed to the Emperor of Heaven, Nangong Jin, Lu Xiaoxiao and Yunyue respectively, and then He kowtowed to Feng Zhenwei before speaking.

"Father, don't quibble, it was my daughter who did this. My father was always against my daughter at that time. It was my daughter who was ignorant and troubled my father."

"Feng Ling..." Hearing Feng Ling's words, Feng Zhenwei felt a little unbelievable.

Feng Ling didn't look at Feng Zhenwei, and directly kowtowed to the Emperor of Heaven, apologizing: "Emperor of Heaven, I was wrong, I did something wrong. I was obsessed with ghosts, and I clearly had a good birth, but I was still not satisfied, and I still wanted to pursue more. high power and status.

At first I thought that Prince Fengyun was not bad, but after the marriage contract with Prince Zhan was destroyed, I put my mind on Prince Zhan, and after Prince Fengyun went down to the world, I heard about the relationship between the Antarctic Immortal and Piaoping Fairy Things, I feel that a mere god can win the heart of an Antarctic fairy. Is the daughter of my majestic Grand Marshal, the God of Heaven, not as good as Fairy Piaoping?

So I was stunned and took the Antarctic Immortal as my goal. Coupled with the marriage bestowed by the Emperor of Heaven, I have already regarded myself as the Empress of the Antarctic Heaven. So I can't tolerate Lu Xiaoxiao's appearance, I think it's her appearance that blocks my way. So I wanted to get rid of Lu Xiaoxiao from the very beginning.

My father has persuaded me more than once to let me dispel this idea. But I got into a dead end, thinking that after Lu Xiaoxiao died, it would be my turn to be the queen of Antarctica. My father put me in confinement, but I forced him to die.

My father only has one daughter, and he was forced to have no other choice by me, so he went to kill Lu Xiaoxiao. Heavenly Emperor, all of this is my fault, I beg you to grant me death, and treat my father lightly! "

After all, Feng Ling kowtowed to the Emperor of Heaven.

After that, he kowtowed to Nangong Jin again and said, "I am sorry, Immortal Nanji."

Then kowtowed to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lu Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry."

In the end, he kowtowed to Yunyue and said, "I've been wondering why you don't consider me a friend anymore, so you heard what I said. I took advantage of you and our friendship, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, Feng Ling kowtowed to the Emperor of Heaven, and then he never raised his head again, as if he was willing to accept the crime.

She knew that these people in front of her hated her and wished her to die as badly as possible.

So the more she begged for mercy, the easier it was to irritate them.

The Emperor of Heaven and Chi Yan were both in front of her. The eyes of these two people were too poisonous. She was afraid that they would know about the incomplete soul in her body.

Once found out, follow the clues, not to mention her real body will be destroyed, even the trace of soul in Long Jue's body will definitely not be preserved.

If she wants to have a future, she must be executed today. As long as she doesn't get sent to the Demon Realm, and doesn't show her flaws when she is tortured to death, then she still has hope.

Therefore, Feng Ling knew exactly what she was going to do now.

She must now appease this wave of people.

As long as they are not so angry and let her be executed by Tiangui, this matter may be over.

Although she didn't know Chi Yang, she knew Yun Yue.

Yun Yue is a kind-hearted person, although she already knows about her, as long as she shows her attitude, she will not be so cruel.

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