The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 134 You Want to Raise Me!

When Pang Cong heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he was about to speak, but was robbed by Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Did you, Mr. Daddy, take a fancy to my treasure? So you find someone at random, and insist on arresting me indiscriminately. I don't want to have trouble with the government, so I have always been nice to each other, but if you really want to mess with me What a mess, even if there is a Martial Saint present today, I am 100% sure that I can leave safely. Do you believe in the huge man?"

"Mr. Wuwu is surprised by this statement! This officer came here after receiving a report that a murder case had occurred here. We have to do things for the people with the tax burdens paid by the people. The matter has not yet come to light, so before the case is settled, Mr. Wuwu is the suspect.

There are hundreds of people in this Spike Mercenary Group. Even if the mercenaries go out to perform missions, the old, weak, sick and disabled should still stay here. But now there is no one here, and the groom saw Mr. killing people before, so he asked Mr. to hand over those corpses. You are a martial artist, and every country is vying to win over you. It's just a wolf tooth mercenary regiment, I don't want to give you a heavy sentence, so why do you have to make such a sophistry? "

Lu Xiaoxiao chuckled twice: "I remember that I had been in a carriage for more than an hour when I came out of the city just now, but within a quarter of an hour after arriving here, the huge man had already brought people to arrest me, and this groom He also said he saw me kill someone.

In other words, within this quarter of an hour, the groom not only wants to watch me go in, but also lures everyone to the ancestral hall, and then reports to the yamen after I finish killing people, so that you can bring someone over to arrest me... Fifteen minutes, Pang Da people, even if you fly, you won’t be able to go so fast, right?

Your brains are not good, you can't even pull a trick, and you don't think everyone is a fool, right? "

Pang Cong, Hua Rufeng, and the groom all looked ugly.

To put it bluntly, today they are looking for an excuse to take this man named Wuwu away, so as to poach the countless treasures from him. Originally, those corpses were the best excuse. It would be fine to directly steal the stolen goods and take them away, but the corpses were gone.

They are not ghosts, and the corpse disappeared inexplicably, so what excuse did they find to frame him?

The statement that Pang Cong and the groom suddenly came up with did not have a tacit understanding and did not match well. It was completely full of loopholes and was ridiculous.

"I was just about to report to the police, and I met a huge man before I went far." The groom argued again.

"Oh! You are a rookie at the level of a martial artist. Not only can I not find out that you are a rookie at the level of a martial artist, I will tell you to report to the official. Among these people are not only the punishing bishop of the Holy See who was among the soldiers, but also those who knew in advance that they might die, so they took along the road. You really have everything! May I ask you, groom, you saved the entire Antarctic continent in your previous life A planet? So everything you want to do in this life will come true?"

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes showed a fierce look.

She is very strange, she has already said that she is the pinnacle of martial arts, it stands to reason that Pang Cong and others should not be so entangled with her anymore.

"Did you forget that there is Hua Rufeng? He is the pinnacle of martial arts, but he can't feel the coercion from you, so this group of people are so unscrupulous."

" I need to release some coercion?" Lu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say a few words and leave, but now she is really annoyed by these idiots.

Wuyan was about to answer, but the Supreme who was hiding in the dark spoke.

"Hahahaha... I finally saw the shamelessness and ugliness of Nanzhao officials today! It is clear that they have taken a fancy to the magic core and nine-life foundation building liquid on their bodies, but they just want to frame them. It is really shameless Outrageous!

You said that you fell in love with other people's treasures, just say it, you begged for others, maybe they really gave it when they got hot, and you still want to get other people's things by framing others like this, really... Hongde How did God raise a bunch of idiots like you? You are so stupid, does Emperor Hongde know that? "

Just when the two sides were in trouble, and the Pang Daren and the groom were blushing due to Lu Xiaoxiao's counter-question, a disobedient voice suddenly sounded, and Pang Daren's face immediately became ugly.

"Who? Come out! What kind of hero is someone who hides his head and shows his tail?"

"I never wanted to be a hero!"

The voice from the secret place came faintly, and Da Da Da and others gritted their teeth in anger, and hurriedly looked at the punishing bishop. This person, who is the pinnacle of martial arts, is absolutely invincible among the masters on the Antarctic continent.

However, Hua Rufeng started to frown after hearing the disobedient voice, and kept frowning and said now.

The lingering sound lingered around him, but the punishing bishop of the dignified Holy See couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Hua has always thought that it is difficult to find masters in the Antarctic Continent except for the Guangming Holy See, Shenwumen and Sanctuary. Unexpectedly, Hua is watching the sky from a well. It turns out that there are such masters as Mr. Unintentional and Mr. Mystery in this world. I am really disrespectful and disrespectful. I don’t know if you two are interested in joining my Guangming Holy See, and the leader will be very happy when he learns that you are joining.”

Regarding Hua Rufeng's words, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to vomit, paralyzing me for so long and trying to recruit me? Brainless! Unexpectedly, before he could speak, another voice had already spoken.

"Brain-dead, right? I always thought that the people in the Holy See were all brain-dead, and seeing them today really deserves their reputation. You have done such a disgusting thing, and you still want to recruit people? Your ancestors are proud of you not to be enemies with you, and you are ashamed to recruit them. It's really invincible to be the cheapest!"


Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't hold back and just popped out.

Although the other party's words were not funny, but he was able to show it so boldly and straightforwardly, making enemies with the three sects head-on, just for this courage, she should also spray it.

Originally, she had a very bad impression of the big red flower, but after this incident, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that the big red flower was actually not too annoying.

"I helped you. I stood by your side unconditionally. I also established the great enemy of the Holy See. I will definitely be hunted down in the future. I have already given you the deed of prostitution. You have to support me!"

The other party used a secret sound transmission method to say something that only the two of them could hear, and then appeared ostentatiously in a bright red robe and a green jade pendant around his waist.

That way, it was like a enchanting big red flower suddenly blooming around Lu Xiaoxiao, it was shocking.

"You... who are you?" Pang Cong looked at Gong Lichen beside Lu Xiaoxiao as if he had seen a ghost, and stepped back a dozen steps.

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