The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 137: Being an Adulterer in Obscurity

Fall down and get up. Wherever you fall, get up and fight again.

Seeing the smiling face of the big red flower in the distance, showing no signs of anger, Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows.

Gong Lichen, whose face was trembling with laughter, just got up, and suddenly felt a severe dizziness, fell down again, and was shocked.

The blow just now unexpectedly hit his consciousness unintentionally!

Cursing inwardly, Gong Lichen closed his eyes, shook his head, and sat for a long while, until Lu Xiaoxiao walked in front of him, then he felt a little better.

"Are you OK?"

Gong Lichen looked at Lu Xiaoxiao who was spinning in front of him, and said extremely aggrieved: "Little girl, my head is so dizzy. You have to take responsibility!"

A certain flower didn't know that he was being sprayed by a dragon's breath. If he didn't adjust his breath quickly, once he got close to this dragon in the future, he would definitely suffer from sequelae. At this moment, although he was wearing a mask, his face trembled with a smile, and even the red robe on his body was a little loose, revealing a touch of white and smooth fragrant shoulders.

That appearance is really attractive no matter how you look at it.

"You... Are you seducing me?" Lu Xiaoxiao, who was naturally insensitive to emotional matters, also reacted at this moment, and asked blankly.

Facing Lu Xiaoxiao's question, the big red flower, which is showing a delicate body and a soft body that is easy to be toppled, nodded affectionately, "Have you seen all this?"


Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao turn her head and leave, Gong Lichen quickly followed.

"Don't follow me, I don't want to be killed by your four maidservants yet."

"Since you don't like them, you will punish them when you go back this time. Anyway, I am yours, and you are responsible for me."

Lu Xiaoxiao stopped in her tracks, looked at a certain flower, and said generously, "Dahonghua, I thank you for saving me, but don't follow me to disgust me anymore. Do you want Jiusheng Foundation Building Liquid? How much do you want?" I'll give it to you right now! Can a bowl be enough? Is it enough?"

Gong Lichen looked at Lu Xiaoxiao very hurt: "Of course it's a good thing for me if you want to give me the Jiusheng Foundation Building Liquid. But I'm not following you for the Jiusheng Foundation Building Liquid."

"You want the magic core of the Red Flame Beast? That thing is gone, and I disposed of it. If it's for this, you can leave."

"Cut, I don't care for such a dirty thing!"

"Could it be that Tangtang Supreme, what you want is the magic wolf's magic core? Give me 2.6 million taels of gold, and I will give you all the magic wolf's magic core!"

Dahonghua almost rolled her eyes: "You asked me to dispose of the garbage and you still want me to pay for it? No. You can dispose of the disgusting garbage yourself, I'm not interested."

"Then what are you doing for it?" Lu Xiaoxiao frowned, it wasn't the Jiusheng Foundation Building Liquid, it wasn't the magic core, it didn't seem to be because of Nangong Jin, and it wasn't because of anything in that shop. But being courteous for nothing is either adultery or robbery, and somehow she is so kind to her, there must be a bigger conspiracy.

"I just want to follow you! Didn't I already agree that I will be your person from now on. As long as I am free, I will definitely stay by your side."

"Bah! Shameless!" Tu Tu in the space let out a bah, and Gong Lichen immediately felt dizzy again.

"If you don't say it, then there is nothing to discuss. If you say it, maybe we can discuss it. After all, we can be considered acquaintances if we meet twice in one day. As long as you say it, I can discuss it with you." " Lu Xiaoxiao induced slowly.

This big red flower has high martial arts skills, and unlike Wuyan and Tu Tu, it is a master who can only hide in space. If she can reach a certain consensus with Dahonghua, it will be easier for her to do some things when he is around. The point is, if the interests involved are greater, she can also use the big red flower to protect her grandfather and elder brother.

Suddenly, a voice of resentment sounded.

"Little girl, you really make me sad. I have never fallen in love with any woman, and I will commit myself to accompany you when I meet you for the first time. You are the first in my life! I express myself so sincerely Why don't you believe me? Otherwise, I swear: I, Gong Lichen, really like this little girl in front of me, and I just want to follow her in this life, or let her follow me in this life."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly leaned into Lu Xiaoxiao's ear, and exhaled hot air: "Is this the head office? I swear it all! I really don't want anything from you, your money, jewelry, wealth, power, I Don’t want anything. On the contrary, as long as you want, whether it’s my money, jewelry, treasures or my influence, you can use it. I just want to let me follow you before you agree, and after you agree You follow me, that's all right! Don't you believe it?"

Lu Xiaoxiao sized up Gong Lichen for a long while, and then for a long while, she finally confirmed one thing: this person must have hurt his head before.

"You are supreme. If you want to follow me, I really have nothing to do. But I warn you, I have given you a chance. You didn't say it yourself. If one day I find out that you hurt my family and designed to frame me Yes, just like just now, I will let you die without knowing."

Gong Lichen blinked blankly, and said with great grievance: "I don't even know who you are or what your name is. How could I hurt your family and design to frame you? Tell me, little girl, what's your name?"

Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, cursed "snake spirit disease", then turned and left.

Gong Lichen's eyes lit up: "By the way, little girl, are you agreeing to me?"

"I have a husband and a child!"

"But didn't you say that you would make peace with him? I will wait for you. Before you make peace, I can be your adulterer in obscurity behind you."

"You think too much, I lied to you, I won't make up."

"Then how? Then what should I do?"


"Little girl, it's okay if you don't get along with me, why don't we elope?"


"Why don't you run away? Is your husband better than me?"


"Okay, okay, then from today on, the two of us will officially become troublemakers, let me be your concubine, and protect you from the wind and rain!"



I met a white lotus early in the morning, killed the white lotus and met a big red flower. Lu Xiaoxiao was also drunk, she wanted to know if she had turned into cow dung? Otherwise, why would you be so attractive to Jiaohua?

After entering the city, Dahonghua followed her facelessly, until she entered a clothing store, and Lu Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to go in and change clothes, and then took the opportunity to flash into the space.

Dahonghua searched for her all over but couldn't find her, and finally left angrily.

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