The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 140 Defeating the White Lotus with One Move 3

It should be noted that the wild species is a statement that the Seventh Emperor Uncle stopped in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Although it is a wild species, it has already acquiesced since the day the Seventh Emperor's uncle went to court after marriage.

If Uncle Qihuang knew that she was so outspoken, nothing good would happen to her today.

"It's just a key holder. The prince treats her as a servant. As a sister, you are not ashamed but proud of it. You really have never seen the world!"


No one expected that the Seventh Concubine, who had been silent for a long time, would suddenly speak, and the words were so straightforward... The lethality of the blunt, still in shock, the concubine surnamed Jiang had already slammed the wine cup in her hand on the table , shouted sharply: "Bitch, what are you talking about?"

Now all the concubines were shocked by this concubine surnamed Jiang who usually likes to have both sides. I really didn't expect that she would have the guts to directly call Seventh Princess a "bitch". I'm afraid even the queen and imperial concubine would not dare to be so rude? After all, even if the other party is about to become the next wife, isn't this still going on?

With her current status, she is a first-rank prince concubine, and even a first-rank imperial concubine is not as high as her, right? !

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao ignoring her, the concubine surnamed Jiang felt her arrogance rising rapidly, unable to restrain her anger, she shouted again: "Lu Xiaoxiao, you bastard, I am asking you something! Are you deaf? ?”

What the concubine surnamed Jiang said made all the concubines who were watching the show, even the imperial concubine, look surprised. Seeing that she was indeed going too far, the imperial concubine who had been keeping her composure was about to stop her, but Lu Xiaoxiao robbed her of her words.

"Bitch? Are you calling me concubine?"

Now that they've matched each other, she won't be Lu Xiaoxiao if she wants to give these people a way out.

"Bullshit, I'm not calling you, are you still calling someone else? Who did you call a bitch just now?"

"Whoever responds to this concubine will be the one whom this concubine scolds."

"You are so brave! Who gave you such boldness? A pre-marital delinquent woman, a despicable woman who is about to become a second-in-law, dares to call this young master a bitch? You have eaten your ambition Is the leopard gutsy?"

Seeing that the concubine surnamed Jiang was all wrong, the imperial concubine hurriedly winked at the maid in the palace and signaled the maid to take her down.

Before the maid left, Lu Xiaoxiao's excitement went away again.

"Hehe, to say that you are a slut who has never seen the world is really flattering you. This concubine is the prince and concubine. With the status of the seventh emperor's uncle in Nanzhao, this concubine is still a first-rank madam no matter how poor she is? But what are you? Ghost? A young master who doesn't even have the position of concubine, but is only a little bit higher than the female official in the room, dares to call this concubine a bitch.

Even if this concubine will become the next wife in the future, at least not now, right? Who gave you the courage to openly insult this princess like this? Hitting a rock with an egg, aren't you a local turtle or a local tyrant? "


The concubine surnamed Jiang who took the drug could not be stimulated, and any stimulation would make her lose her mind. At this moment, being stimulated by Lu Xiaoxiao's words like this for a while, he was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing at Lu Xiaoxiao, he couldn't say a word.

"What are you? You bastard, my younger sister is a concubine of the Seventh Prince's House, my older sister is a concubine in the palace, and my sister's family are all other people's concubines. You have the nerve to accuse others of something that is not on the table.

Save yourself! Look at the person in the main position, if you are really awesome, when did you sit in that position, maybe you still have some qualifications to be called my concubine. But don't have the qualifications yet! "

Bicker with her!

Except for the venomous tongue with facial paralysis, there is probably no one in this world who has a more ruthless and venomous mouth than her.

Although the scolding was a bit harsh, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Anyway, she was backed up with a paralyzed face, so she was afraid of it!

"Concubine Seventh, is it a bit too much for you to say that the concubine is a concubine? You must know that in the royal family, except for the queen, the rest are all concubines. According to what you said just now, isn't it true that all women except the queen are not allowed to be married?" Something on the table?"

This time it was the imperial concubine Ximen Manxue who spoke.

These concubines under her command have basically ridiculed enough, and seeing that the concubine Yue is getting more and more excessive, she is not going to continue to expand. By saying such a sentence, he wanted to catch Lu Xiaoxiao's bad language and make her unable to continue speaking, and then today's insult would end here.

Who knows who Lu Xiaoxiao is?

You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, if you hurt me a little, I will be the eldest sister of Fengyuntang in your family.

Although her motto is: Suffering is a blessing!

But in real life, it seems that I have never suffered a loss.

She has already scolded her Dudu as a bastard, and still want her to shut up?

If she didn't mess up the banquet today, she would be called the "No. 1 Playboy" in vain.

"What the hell are you? Why are you spraying shit all over your mouth?"


Ximen Manxue and all the concubines stared wide-eyed. They couldn't believe that Lu Xiaoxiao dared to insult the imperial concubine in public.

This is King Jin's biological mother! Miss!

Now more than half of the ministers in the entire imperial court have fallen under her command, both openly and secretly!

What the hell is asking the imperial concubine? !

The one sitting at the first place on the emperor's right, what the hell are you talking about?

Even if there is no introduction, it's not like you don't even understand this basic knowledge, right?

She is the Empress of the West Palace of Nanzhao Kingdom! Future Queen Mother!

Ximen Manxue had never been insulted like this since she was a child, and she was so angry that she sat in a daze on her seat for a while, but she didn't recover.

The personal eunuch behind him was also angry at this moment, raised an orchid finger, pointed at Lu Xiaoxiao for a long time, and then said: "Big..."


Before the word "gut" could be uttered, a walnut came through the air and flew directly into the eunuch's throat, causing him to hug his neck and cough violently.

"What's so big? Sister, do you have a problem with your brain's ability to understand? I'm just talking about sisters surnamed Jiang. One of them is a concubine in the Seventh Prince's House, and they don't even have the title of side concubine. The emperor's concubine has grown wrinkles and doesn't even have a concubine position. Isn't it something that can't be carried on the table?

Don't you think the two of them are so awesome, so powerful, that they are already blown away? Didn't you just say that this concubine has embarrassed Uncle Seventh Emperor? Even me, who is recognized as an embarrassing second-in-law, is countless times higher in rank than the two of them. Isn't it something that they can't lift on the stage? "

The continuous attacks made all the concubines realize one thing.

This seventh concubine deserves to be the No. 1 rich man, but they actually tried to humiliate the No. 1 rich man in public to make her cry, and then left with the bastard in their arms, making her a joke for the world's noble ladies.

What a ridiculous assumption!

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