The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 191 Are you dead as the king?

After all, Gong Lichen looked at Nangong Yunfeng: "His Royal Highness Qi Wang, when the time comes, this king will compete fairly with you."

Originally, Lu Xiaoxiao kissing the King of Qi in public was already an unforgivable crime for these noble girls - lowness and death, but under the few words of the king of the Northern Kingdom, Gong Lichen, the relationship between Lu Xiaoxiao and Nangong Yunfeng was instantly normalized. , even justified.

Looking at Gong Lichen, Nangong Yunfeng thanked him for protecting Lu Xiaoxiao, and at the same time felt the challenge from Gong Lichen.

"When Xiaoxiao becomes single again, I will immediately accept your challenge."

"Are you all dead as my king?" A gloomy voice sounded, instantly frightening everyone.

Everyone looked for the sound, and saw a magnificent man in purple clothes standing at the door with a paralyzed face. In an instant, the temperature in the warm painting boat hall dropped several degrees.

Feeling the chill emanating from Uncle Seventh Emperor, everyone fell silent.

Nangong Lingyao, who was hit hard after Gong Lichen's words, saw Nangong Jin, her eyes lit up, and she hurried to Nangong Jin's side to cry out for her grievances.

"Uncle Huang, you have to make the decision for Yao'er! Lu Xiaoxiao kissed her third brother in public and put on a cuckold for you, but she didn't know how to repent, but today she hit Yao'er in front of so many people. Wuwu...she hit Yaoer Not counting with the ninth brother, he even seduced the king of the Northern Kingdom in public. Emperor uncle, how can such a mighty man like you let such a bastard ride on your head and embarrass you? Why do you want to be so unconditional? Protect her?"

"This king's concubine, if this king doesn't protect it, do you still expect others to protect it?"

Nangong Jin's words shocked not only everyone present, but even Lu Xiaoxiao, who was always heartless as the party involved, was also shocked by this sentence.

"Is Lu Xiaoxiao what you should be called as a nephew? As for the scumbag, this king has said more than once that anyone who dares to say that the king's concubine is a slutty person is a dead word. But you are Princess, this king can’t give you a death sentence, so you should be punished. Come on, the seven princesses and below will be punished with fifty sticks for uttering obscenities.”

Fifty boards are absolutely fatal to ordinary women. But for Nangong Lingyao, who is a martial artist, it is still within the acceptable range.

The mother and concubine were murdered, and the man she admired turned towards her enemy. Now even the emperor's uncle wanted to punish her. Nangong Lingyao felt infinitely wronged and resentful.

Lu Xiaoxiao, a woman who lost her virginity before marriage and gave birth to a bastard with a wild man, why can she be favored by so many people? Why?

She, Nangong Lingyao, a high-ranking princess, is now being humiliated in public because of her. Why?

But no matter how much Nangong Lingyao hated Lu Xiaoxiao in her heart, she didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Nangong Jin at this moment.

When the board fell, Nangong Lingyao clenched her lips tightly, even though she couldn't bear the first hit, she still didn't make a sound.

The concubine mother was thrown into the cold palace. Her status seemed noble, but in the palace, she had already lost the barrier to live well.

She couldn't, and she didn't dare to compete with the powerful Seventh Emperor Uncle. But she remembered the humiliation.

One day when she Nangong Lingyao can soar into the sky, Lu Xiaoxiao and Nangong Jin, she will use the most intense revenge to make them regret the insult to her at this moment.

Looking at Nangong Lingyao who gritted her teeth tightly and remained silent, perhaps Lu Xiaoxiao would never have taken her seriously before, but at this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao treated her squarely.

The so-called barking dog does not bite, and the biting dog does not bark.

At this moment, Nangong Lingyao had already murdered her, but she still didn't repent this time, and next time it would definitely not be a matter of a few slaps.

The appearance of Nangong Jin made everyone silent. Even the sons and daughters of the aristocratic families who had the attitude of watching the show were too shocked to speak at this moment because of the ultra-low air pressure of the Seventh Emperor Uncle.

Nangong Jin looked at his elder nephews who were either lowering his head or looking left and right. Anyway, he didn't dare to look directly at his elder nephews. Then he looked at Nangong Yunfeng who was in the center of the storm vortex, but at this moment he was not shy about looking directly at him. Shen said in a voice:

"Aren't you all full of food and have nothing to do? If you really have nothing to do, then the king will take you to the border defense. Practice every day to make your boring days full."

In a word, the elder nephews lowered their heads even more.

Everyone can't figure it out, such an awesome man, are you blind? Didn't you see your princess giving you a green hat outside? Is there a mistake in not executing this restless woman on the spot, but running to threaten them?

"This king reiterates that Lu Xiaoxiao is my princess, the princess of Nanzhao, and your seventh aunt. From now on, you must treat your aunt the same way you treat me. Whoever If you dare to obey others, or embarrass your aunt in front of outsiders, then don't blame me for not giving you face."


Seeing several eldest nephews clasping their fists in response, Nangong Jin looked at Gong Lichen again.

"King of the Northern Kingdom, I don't care about your customs in the Northern Kingdom, but you are in Nanzhao now. As a king of a country, I think you should behave like a king. Coveting other people's women in public, this kind of It may be common in your northern country, but in our Nanzhao, this is a provocation to another man.

This king is here today to make it clear to everyone: Lu Xiaoxiao is this king's woman, and she is the rightful Seventh Princess. No matter what happens to the king and the princess in the future, but before the king divorces his wife, she is the king's woman. Anyone who dares to covet this king's woman is making an enemy of this king. "

Facing Nangong Jin's righteous words, Gong Lichen raised his eyebrows, noncommittal, and said, "Uncle Seventh Emperor is mighty. Then it's up to you. When you divorce Seventh Princess, I will go after her again." Is this the head office? The king said those words just now, but he just wanted to occupy a hole first, so that once you let the seventh princess free, she only knows that there is King Qi, but does not know that there is such a peerless man like this king. .”

pit? Lu Xiaoxiao was depressed.

Did this big red flower treat her like a toilet?

Hearing Gong Lichen's words, Nangong Jin gave a rare smile, and said with a huge chill: "In this case, the king of the Northern Kingdom will wait slowly."

Gong Lichen was not affected by such threats at all, and nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Seventh Emperor, for your understanding."

"Okay, today is an event in the Noble Hall, and I don't want to spoil everyone's interest, so just play as you want."


This is the end?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

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