"No need! Isn't it just 90 million taels? This girl still has this ability. 90 million taels, it's you who saved Dudu's life and gave him a shelter. After paying back the money, Dudu followed You have nothing to do with your money, if you want a child, you can adopt it, or you can ask me to see a doctor for you, but don't say anything disgusting about Dudu as a son in front of me!"

Nangong Jin stared at Lu Xiaoxiao, but did not answer.

"If you have any other requests, please bring them up together!"

"The princess should get together more than 130 million gold first, don't be too ambitious. This king estimates that the princess will not be able to pay for such a large amount of gold. In fact, the princess wants to stay in the palace. For Dudu's sake, I won't drive you away because of such trouble."

"Stop!" Lu Xiaoxiao stopped politely.

"I've told you the money and I'll bear it, so you don't want to mention things in front of me. Such a cute child, being missed by a scumbag like you is definitely disgusting me!"

Lu Xiaoxiao was about to be blown up, such a shameless and shameless man was really the only one I had seen in my life.

Nangong Jin's shamelessness has definitely reached the point of being heinous and insane. She didn't want her Dudu to have anything to do with this crazy man!

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoxiao lay down on the table again and drew a peach talisman for a while, and wrote a contract. It was agreed in the contract that as long as Lu Xiaoxiao gave Nangong Jin 138 million taels of gold, Nangong Jin would have to sign an agreement to release Lu Xiaoxiao and Lu Xiaoli. From then on, Lu Xiaoli had no choice but to keep Lu Xiaoli in the Palace in any form and under any excuse, and Lu Xiaoli had nothing to do with the Seventh Prince's Palace.

"Sign it! From now on, I will be a creditor and a debtor with you. I will try my best to pay off the money in one go. Before I pay off the money, I am just a guest staying in your house. I hope you don't keep appearing between me and the debtor." I hate it in front of Dudu!"

"Princess, you think too much."

Nangong Jin took a look at the contract, and without even thinking about it, directly signed a few big characters in flamboyant and phoenix dancing.

"Just to be on the safe side, please put your fingerprint on it!"

Indonesia is in the space, so Lu Xiaoxiao took it out casually. Although it was only a small piece of Indonesia, Nangong Jin's iceberg face, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, was slightly taken aback, and a trace of doubt flashed in the depths of his eyes.

But without any procrastination, Nangong Jin stamped her handprint immediately.

Seeing the contract, Lu Xiaoxiao's already frenzied heart felt a little better.

"Now our relationship is that of a creditor and a debtor. I will pay back the money as soon as possible. If the prince is fine, go out."

But after the words fell, Nangong Jin not only did not leave, but instead found a chair and sat down.

"My lord is not leaving yet, are you going to have dinner here?"

"There's no need for dinner. I came here to ask the concubine a question." While speaking, Nangong Jin's eyes seemed unintentional, but she kept watching the changes in Lu Xiaoxiao's facial expression.

"Excuse me, my lord, as long as I know, I will know everything and say everything."

"who are you?"


To be honest, Nangong Jin's question came too suddenly, Lu Xiaoxiao was completely unprepared, so it was natural for her to slow down.

However, years of working as a secret agent and a big sister in the mafia also allowed Lu Xiaoxiao to develop the ability to tell lies not only without blushing, but also with the ability to believe in herself from the bottom of her heart.

"What kind of bullshit question are you talking about?" Lu Xiaoxiao stared at Nangong Jin's eyes that could see through almost everything like a psychopath.

It's a joke, if you want her to show her feet, it's impossible for a lie detector, let alone a paralyzed face?

"You answer yes."

Lu Xiaoxiao breathed out speechlessly: "My name is Lu Xiaoxiao. I'm 16 this year. The owner of the family is the mighty Grand Marshal's Mansion at No. 3, Guli Street, Jingdu, Xijin. Do you have any other questions?"

"When and where did you and I meet for the second time?"

"My lord, are you dreaming? We only met once before marrying you." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin suspiciously and suddenly realized:

"Could it be that you fell in love with me and couldn't find a topic? I also know that I am beautiful. After the debt, do you think it is possible for me to have a slight affection for you?

But if you are willing to reduce the debt by two-thirds and our contract continues, I will consider becoming your friend. I don't take advantage of you either, I will definitely pay back the remaining third. "

140 million taels is still a lot for her, and it really pays off the year of the monkey. She can still consider reducing her debts and making friends with this black-bellied facial paralysis despite being disgusting.

"It's said that you think too much, princess. The debt will not be reduced by a penny. If you want to leave the palace, you should ask your brothers to raise money. Now you only need to answer the question of the king. Our first The first time we met, what did you say to this king?"

Hearing Nangong Jin's words, Lu Xiaoxiao was pissed off, and asked with a cold snort, "My lord, are you wondering why I was so interested in you before, acting like a nympho who liked you very much, but now I suddenly don't like you?" up?

I was young and ignorant at the time, and it was indeed my fault to say that you looked lewd when you pretended to be cool. But now that I have grown up, I feel that men should not be judged by their faces. Some men may not be good-looking, but they have a kind and gentle heart; some men may look like dogs, but they are actually scum. "

"Woman, don't think that your soul is attached to Lu Xiaoxiao's body, and you can be unscrupulous if you inherit her memory, but with this king, even if you pretend to be like you, this king will know that you are not!"

After all, get up, turn around, and leave.

"Snake spirit disease!" Lu Xiaoxiao was blown out of anger, and yelled at the closed door.

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